Digital Gold Traded for Digital Rubles by Russia’s Rosbank

Rosbank has brokered Russia’s first deal involving the exchange of tokenized gold with the digital version of the Russian national fiat currency, ルーブル. The successful transaction demonstrates the growing interest in digital financial assets and the need for digital ruble

ロシア銀行はデジタルルーブルの完全な立ち上げを目指しています 2024

ロシア中央銀行は、2 年後にデジタル ルーブルの包括的な導入を開始する予定です。, 金融政策の優先事項を詳述した論文によると、 2023 – 2025 限目. As the development of the state-issued digital

報告する: Crypto Hardware Wallet Maker Ledger シーク $100 ミリオンキャピタルレイズ

フランスの仮想通貨ハードウェアウォレットメーカー、レジャーは資金調達後、新たな資金調達を模索している $380 6月に100万 2021, 事情に詳しい関係者によると. ハードウェアウォレット会社Ledgerは少なくとも100ドルの調達を目指していると伝えられている…

ロシア中央銀行がデジタルルーブル決済をパイロットする 2023

ロシア’s monetary authority intends to conduct the first settlements with the digital ruble next year, its governor announced this week. Speaking to Russian lawmakers, the official highlighted the important role the new currency is going to play for Russia under sanctions….

デジタルルーブル「大いに必要,’ロシア中央銀行は言う, テストを遅らせません

ロシア中央銀行は、デジタル ルーブル プロジェクトを前進させることの重要性を強調しています。. 代表者の発言によると, the monetary authority has no intention to delay the trials despite not all invited banks being


A man from Brockton, Massachusetts was sentenced to eight years in prison and forced to forfeit 59 bitcoin worth $2.3 100万, after he was caught selling Xanax, ecstasy, and ketamine on the deep web. Massachusetts U.S. Attorney Rachael Rollins stressed during


Digital asset exchange Binance has become the first crypto company to support the Association of Banks of Russia in efforts devoted to regulating the countrys growing cryptocurrency market. The coin trading platform will also work with authorities in Moscow as they


Testing of the digital ruble has started in Russia with the countrys central bank announcing the first complete transactions between individual wallets. The monetary authority, a staunch opponent of cryptocurrencies, says its digital currency will create new opportunities for citizens, businesses,…

ロシア中央銀行は、カード支払いをブロックすることで暗号投資を制限したいと考えています, レポートが明らかに

The Central Bank of Russia is currently reviewing various ways to prevent Russians from investing in cryptocurrency. One the options on the table is to block card payments to certain recipients such as crypto exchanges, a media report has unveiled. あ…


の 2021, 代替不可能なトークン (NFT) have been extremely popular and have become a billion-dollar industry this year. Theres been a number of NFT marketplaces and collections that have seen a massive number of sales and individual digital collectibles have sold for