Digital Assets Worth 2 Billion Rubles Issued in Russia in Less Than a Year

Digital financial assets (DFA の) for a total exceeding $26 million have been issued in Russia in the past year. This new market has been developing since it was regulated in 2021 and the country’s monetary authority started licensing issuers in the


KBC Group, a major European banking and insurance institution headquartered in Belgium, has launched a token based on a blockchain platform. Its customers will be able to acquire the new proprietary coins and use them through their KBC wallet and mobile

トップビデオゲームアーティストがウクライナを支援するためにNFTを採用, 公式メタヒストリーミュージアムでリリースするコレクション

ロシア・ウクライナ戦争の勃発以来, 多くの有名人, 社会活動, ビジュアルアーティストは、暗号通貨とNFTアートワークによってウクライナを支援するリーグに参加しました. そして、トレンドはちょうどそうではありません’やめて. 今, a group of top-notch artists bring the support and

報告する: 主要なNFTマーケットプレイスOpenseaが発表 $10 十億の評価, 投資家は「主張」している

11月 17, a report disclosed that the leading non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace, 公海, isfielding new investment offersaccording to two unknown sources familiar with the matter. The investment could propel Openseas valuation by six times to a $10 十億…