Tax Benefits for Bitcoin Businesses in Belarus Extended Until 2025

Tax exemptions for companies and individuals legally working with cryptocurrencies in Belarus will remain in place until Jan. 1, 2025. A new presidential decree extends the tax cuts introduced in 2018 when the executive power in Minsk legalized crypto activities such

Insight Groupによると、パラグアイが中南米でトップのビットコインマイニング拠点となる

パラグアイ, one of the smallest countries in Latam, has the conditions needed to become the next Bitcoin mining hub in the region, according to mining insight group Hashrate Index. The company notes there are many elements in favor of Paraguay, including


The Brazilian government is preparing to release a decree to fill the blank spaces that the recent approval of the cryptocurrency law has left open. The document, prepared by the Ministry of Finance, will establish the areas of oversight and responsibilities


テスラの CEO であるイーロン マスクは、同社を終了する新たな理由を概説しました。 $44 米国への新たな申請でTwitterを買収する10億ドルの取引. 証券取引委員会 (SEC). 内部告発者の報告を引用する, ムスク’の弁護士は主張を述べた, known to the


イランの当局は、グリーン電力へのアクセスを促進するために、仮想通貨マイニング業界のいくつかの規則を改訂しました. Licensed miners will now be able to purchase electricity produced from renewable sources from across the country at lower rates….

ベラルーシは暗号通貨で数百万ドルを押収しました, 主任研究者の主張

Authorities in Belarus have mastered the seizure of cryptocurrencies, the head of the countrys Investigative Committee revealed in a recent interview. The high-ranking law enforcement official claims the state has already confiscated crypto assets worth millions of dollars. Companies Allegedly Help

タイはVATから終了まで暗号通貨の転送を免除します 2023

タイの当局は、付加価値税を正式に導入しました (バット) 政府が承認した取引所を介した暗号通貨の転送の免除. 減税, 来年末まで有効, タイ銀行が発行するデジタル通貨にも適用される….

リアルに, ラガルド—ユーロ詐欺コインを「保証」する原資産は銃です

With the approaching tsunami of central bank digital currencies (CBDC) looming ever closer, it shouldnt come as a surprise when central banks shill their coins at the expense of sounder assets. 最近, European Central Bank president Christine Lagarde went so far

ウズベキスタン大統領が暗号通貨を規制する法令を発行, 鉱業と貿易

ウズベキスタン政府は、Shavkat Mirziyoyev 大統領が署名した法令を通じて、仮想通貨規制の拡大に動いた. このドキュメントは、暗号資産などの用語の定義を提供します, 両替, と鉱業, 業界の主な規制機関を決定する. Agency


The Argentinian government has taken the first steps in the launch of its own central bank digital currency (CBDC). A new decree identified the number 207/2022 gives new faculties to the Argentinian mint to involve in the investigation, development, and issuance