東南アジア最大の銀行 DBS がメタバースに参入

DBS, the largest bank in Southeast Asia, says it isthe first bank in Singapore to make a foray into the metaverse.A DBS executive explained thatThe metaverse presents exciting opportunities to redefine how we live, work and engage with

幅広いメタバースをカバーするEコマースの巨大なEbayファイルの商標アプリケーション, NFTサービス

E-commerce giant Ebay has filed two trademark applications covering a wide range of products and services relating to the metaverse and non-fungible tokens (NFT). Ebays NFT, Metaverse Trademark Applications Ebay Inc. (ナスダック: EBAY) filed two trademark applications with the United States

マッキンゼー: メタバースは生成する可能性があります $5 トリリオン 2030 —「単に大きすぎて無視できない」

Global consulting firm McKinsey & Company has forecasted that the metaverse may generate up to $5 trillion by 2030. 加えて, より多い 80% of commerce could be impacted by activities in the metaverse. Metaverse Could Generate $5 Trillion by 2030

ゴールドマンサックスは暗号通貨を備えています, メタバース, そのホームページのデジタル化

Global investment bank Goldman Sachs has changed its homepage to feature cryptocurrency, the metaverse, and digitalization. “From cryptocurrencies to the metaverse, explore the megatrends that are reshaping economies,” ゴールドマン・サックス’ landing page now says. ゴールドマン・サックス’ Homepage Now Features Crypto and

ゴールドマンサックスはメタバースを次のように見ています $8 兆の機会

Global investment bank Goldman Sachs has predicted that the metaverse could be an $8 trillion opportunity. Several others have similarly predicted that the metaverse is a multitrillion-dollar market. Goldman Sachs Says the Metaverse Could Be an $8 Trillion Opportunity Global investment