25% 米国の成人の割合は、暗号への投資を開始する予定です, 調査ショー

25% 米国の成人の割合は、暗号への投資を開始する予定です, 調査ショー

A U.S. consumer survey shows that 25% of respondents who currently do not own cryptocurrency plan to start investing in crypto. “2021 was a good year for crypto. Of the respondents that own crypto, more than half reported that they had just started investing in the space within the last year.

‘2021 Was a Good Year for Crypto

Cryptocurrency exchange Huobi released a report titledCrypto Perception Report 2022Thursday. The report includesan in-depth survey to learn how the average person views cryptocurrencies, their thoughts on emerging trends, and if they plan on investing in the space in the future,” the company detailed.

A total of 3,144 私たち. adults aged 18 and over participated in the survey, 47% of whom were men.

The crypto industry has seen mainstream growth in 2021, しかしそれ’s still a niche topic among most people,” the report describes, 精緻化:

2021 was a good year for crypto. Of the respondents that own crypto, more than half reported that they had just started investing in the space within the last year.

According to the results, “47% of respondents say that they dont own crypto and dont plan to” と “約 28% of respondents indicate that they currently do own crypto.The report adds:

25% say that while they dont own crypto at the moment, they plan to in the future, indicating that they remain curious about the emerging field.

When asked how they feel about the future of the crypto industry, 42% said they are ambivalent and do not know much about it, while 23% said theyre not confident and think “それ’s all a scam/bubble and going to collapse.” その間, 19% think the crypto industry will transform the definition of money and 16% think it will grow, but not by much.

25% of US Adults Plan to Start Investing in Crypto, Survey Shows

As for the reasons for investing in cryptocurrency, 40% choselonger investment potentialas the answer, 27% pickedgeneral interest,” と 18% 言った “short-term investment potential.

その間, the sectors that crypto investors believe to be the most promising are non-fungible tokens (NFT) and decentralized finance (定義) — both were chosen by 37% of respondents. The third most promising area is the metaverse, chosen by 36% of respondents.

What do you think about this survey? 以下のコメントセクションでお知らせください.