Achats de réserve Tron DAO $38 Millions de TRX pour protéger le Stablecoin USDD

En mai 5, Tron’s algorithmic stablecoin USDD went live and so far, le jeton lié au fiat a été répertorié sur un certain nombre de finances décentralisées (défi) protocoles. Deux jours plus tard, la réserve Tron DAO a annoncé l'achat 504.6 millions de tonnes (TRX) to back the algorithmic stablecoin, as the project aims to leverage a decentralized forex reserve similar to Terra’s UST reserves.


Tron DAO Reserve and Justin Sun Reveal a $38 Million TRX Purchase

Terra’s UST reserve system is becoming a popular scheme, and Tron’s USDD stablecoin project is following the pattern. Actualités signalé on Tron’s algorithmic stablecoin project on April 21, and since then the fiat-pegged crypto asset has officially launched. The project has a number of partners now and USDD is listed on Pancakeswap, Kyberswap, Sunswap,, Curve Finance, Uniswap, and Ellipsis.

Selon, there’s approximately 211,245,005.49 USDD at the time of writing. Statistics show on Saturday, Mai 7, 2022, Uniswap version three (v3) is the most active exchange to buy and sell USDD. While USDD’s $211 million market capitalization is small potatoes to Terra’s UST ($18.7B), its only been around for two days. While terrausd (UST) saw $990.3 millions en 24 hour trades, USDD saw $2.31 million during the past day. USDD’s market valuation is larger than gemini dollar’s (GUSD) $199.5 million market capitalization.

Samedi, the Tron DAO and Tron’s founder Justin Sun announced that the team purchased 504,600,250 TRX at an average price of 0.07727 par unité. The purchase will be used as a reserve asset to “safeguard the overall blockchain industry and crypto market,” Tron DAO Reserve account mentionné on Saturday afternoon.

[Tron DAO Reserve] has done its job,” Tron’s founder Justin Sun tweeté this weekend.

Décentralisé, Algorithmic, and Centralized — The Quest to Perfect the Stablecoin Continues

Even though decentralized and algorithmic stablecoins sound cool in theory, there are concerns and des questions about whether or not they can maintain a stable peg for as long as they exist. Of course, some centralized stablecoin projects in the past have failed, and Makerdao’s decentralized DAI stablecoin was tested during the March 12, 2020 ‘Black Thursday’ event. Makerdao uses an over-collateralization (OC) process to secure DAI’s USD peg, and two years before the March 12th event, Bennett Tomlin’s article de blog predicted ethereum’s (ETH) price stress that could affect DAI’s USD peg.

In November 2020, the OUSD stablecoin issuer, Origin Protocol suffered from a flash loan attack and the coin temporarily lost its peg. During the first week of April, the Waves-based stablecoin neutrino usd (USDN) temporarily dropped from the pegged dollar price. A year ago in April, the stablecoin fei usd’s (FEI) fiat value sunk below a dollar for a short period of time. So far a number of the aforementioned projects rebounded shortly after the lost peg, and the stablecoin projects have maintained a stable peg since then.

The Tron DAO Reserve purchase of 504,600,250 TRX was worth $38.99 millions au moment du règlement. le TRX purchase also follows the recent acquisition of $1.4 billion worth of bitcoin (BTC) by the Luna Foundation Guard (GLF). The non-profit LFG now holds 80,394 BTC et $100 million worth of AVAX to safeguard UST. Le co-fondateur d'Axie Infinity déclare que le jeu Blockchain prévoit de lancer un échange décentralisé, Tron DAO has partnered with three crypto institutions who are now deemed whitelisted Tron DAO Reserve members. Tron DAO Reserve institutional partners include Poloniex, Recherche Alameda, and Amber Group, while Tron DAO Reserve acts as USDD’s “early custodian

Tags dans cette histoire
$211 million, Recherche Alameda, algorithmique, groupe ambre, Préoccupations, IAD, Décentralisé, FEI, justin soleil, course, garde de la fondation luna, fairedao, Capitalisation boursière, OUSD, surdimensionnement, Poloniex, des questions, Stablecoin, stablecoin USDD, Stablecoins, TerraUSD, tron, Tron (TRX), TRON DAO Réserve, trx, USDD, USDD Stablecoin, USDN, UST

What do you think about Tron’s algorithmic stablecoin USDD? What do you think about the project purchasing $38 millions en TRX to safeguard the stablecoin’s peg? Faites-nous savoir ce que vous pensez de ce sujet dans la section commentaires ci-dessous.

Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman est le responsable de l'information chez News et un journaliste spécialisé dans les technologies financières vivant en Floride. Redman est un membre actif de la communauté des crypto-monnaies depuis 2011. Il a une passion pour Bitcoin, code open-source, et applications décentralisées. Depuis septembre 2015, Redman a écrit plus de 5,000 articles pour Actualités sur les protocoles perturbateurs qui émergent aujourd'hui.

Crédits image: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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