Poutine, Xi s'engage à utiliser le yuan alors que la Russie et la Chine s'orientent vers des règlements en monnaies nationales

As part of the talks that Russian president Vladimir Putin and Chinese president Xi Jinping are currently conducting in Russia, Russia has vowed to move to use the Chinese yuan as a settlement currency with countries in Asia, Afrique, and Latam….

Blockchain russe Alternative à SWIFT pour empêcher la déconnexion des nations, Banques

A Russian university is ready to test its blockchain-based analogue to the global payment messaging network SWIFT, from which Russian banks were cut off as part of Western sanctions. The developers say their system would not allow the disconnecting of countries

SWIFT expérimente des technologies décentralisées pour permettre l'interconnexion CBDC

SWIFT, the interbank payments protocol and messaging system, has announced it is working to connect the different central bank digital currency (CBDC) protocols in development today. The company has partnered with Capgemini, a digital services provider, making a series of experiments

L'Ukraine cible les portefeuilles cryptographiques des politiciens russes alors que les banques russes sont coupées de SWIFT

Ukraine is now trying to expose cryptocurrency wallets used by politicians in Moscow amid warnings that Russia may employ digital coins to circumvent sanctions. The initiative comes as western allies agree to expel some Russian banks from SWIFT, the global interbank

Les analystes mettent en garde contre les risques réglementaires si la Russie est en mesure d'utiliser la cryptographie pour échapper aux sanctions

La Russie pourrait se tourner vers la crypto-monnaie si elle est bannie du système de paiement SWIFT. Les analystes ont averti que si la Russie est capable d'utiliser la cryptographie pour échapper aux sanctions, “soutien politique aux États-Unis. for crypto will fall and regulatory risk will