Les anticipations d'inflation aux États-Unis sont au plus haut depuis 2013, Montée en flèche des prix du gaz, Boucle de chaînes d'approvisionnement

Americans are still concerned about dealing with inflation, as the cost of goods and services has continued to rise significantly in a short period of time. The Federal Reserve has published the latest Survey of Consumer Expectations report and U.S. ménages…

Le portefeuille Bitcoin.com ajoute la passerelle DApp WalletConnect

The Bitcoin.com Team is excited to announce support for Ethereum-based DApps in the Bitcoin.com Wallet via WalletConnect. Earn interest on your cryptoassets, trade using decentralized exchanges, participate in NFT marketplaces and more. What is WalletConnect? WalletConnect is a bridge that securely

Bitcoin.com double son modèle non dépositaire

Bitcoin.com, in line with its vision to supporteconomic freedom,’ is refocusing its efforts on non-custodial, ou ‘self hosted,’ crypto products, including exchange. Par conséquent, the Bitcoin.com Wallet, which is fully non-custodial and provides users with direct access to public blockchains like

Ponts inter-chaînes qui se connectent 5 Différentes chaînes de blocs à Ethereum

During the last few months, cross-chain bridge technology has grown a great deal and users can now swap assets between a myriad of networks. Aujourd'hui, between eight different bridges there’s $7.6 billion total-value locked across these platforms. Cross-Chain Bridges