Nombre de BTC irrémédiablement perdus maintenant 6 Millions — Gestionnaire de Cane Island

The number of irretrievably lost bitcoins has now reached 6 million, which leaves 13.3 million as coins that remain in circulation, Timothy Peterson of Cane Island Alternative Advisors has said. Peterson added that out of the 1.7 million bitcoins that will be mined in the next 100 years or more, one million coins will be lost in the same period.


One Million Lost Bitcoins

According to Timothy Peterson, an author and manager of Cane Island Alternative Advisors, the number of irretrievably lost bitcoins has now reached 6 million. In his latest tweet on the subject, Peterson asserts that from the estimated 19.3 million bitcoins that had been mined by March 25, 2023, only 13.3 million remain in circulation which is “probably all you will have access to in your lifetime.”

The author’s latest estimate of the number of bitcoins that will ever circulate appears to be in tandem with his 2020 prediction. As reported by News in Sept. 2020, Peterson claimed then that the ongoing loss of an estimated 1,500 BTC per day meant only fewer than 14 million coins will ever circulate. In their 2020 note, researchers at Cane Island also insisted that the widely used BTC capitalization is inaccurate because it includes coins that are irretrievably lost.

While some bitcoiners have either questioned or dismissed Peterson’s past claims including Cane Island’s April 16, 2020 research note, in his March 25 tweet the author appears to use the same findings to back his latest prediction. In the tweet, he also predicts a loss of one million BTC in the next 100+ années.

“This means 13.3 million remain with only 1.7 million left to be mined over the next 100+ années. À l'époque, it’s almost certain that another million will be lost, and old coins are being lost as new coins are being created. le 13 million circulating now is probably all you will have access to in your lifetime,” Peterson explained in the tweet.

toutefois, in their response to Peterson’s latest tweet, a user going by the name of The Bitcoin Researcher insisted that the number of BTC in circulation is in fact 15.5 million. According to their tweet, The Bitcoin Researcher has based their findings on the assumption that coins which have not moved for the past seven years are lost.

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Terence Zimwara

Terence Zimwara est un journaliste zimbabwéen primé, auteur et écrivain. Il a beaucoup écrit sur les problèmes économiques de certains pays africains ainsi que sur la façon dont les monnaies numériques peuvent fournir aux Africains une voie d'évasion..

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