Nokia Believes the Metaverse Will Replace Smartphones in the Future

Nokia, one of the first companies to manufacture a consumer-grade mobile phone system, now believes the metaverse will cause phones to become deprecated. These metaverse experiences will be powered by the use of virtual reality (VR) headsets and augmented reality glasses, and will allow users to interact in several activities. Industrial usage will also be significant.


Nokia Predicts the Fall of the Mobile Phone in Favor of the Metaverse

Nokia, one of the first manufacturers to create a mobile phone système, is predicting the fall of the mobile phone trend known today at the hands of the metaverse. While phones will still be around, metaverse experiences will be the primary form of communication in the second half of the decade.

While augmented reality devices have still ways to go, Nokia believes that there will be a rise in the interest of the audience in such devices, that will power this metaverse push. Nokia’s chief strategy and technology officer Nishant Batra is confident about this. Il déclaré:

Our belief is that this device will be overtaken by a metaverse experience in the second half of the decade.

But there are several factors that must be aligned for this metaverse-based future to come to fruition, per Batra’s statements.

Keys for Nokia’s Digital Future

In the consumer area, Nokia believes that the rise of this digital-based world will depend on several important factors, including the push that companies like Meta are doing to make the metaverse a trend. Aussi, as the executive has stated before, consumers are more worried about price and forms than institutions. Il expliqua:

Widespread adoption of the technology from both corporations and consumers will be critical for it to really take off, and this will also depend on the availability of affordable, ergonomic wirelessly connected VR and AR devices.

Dans ce sens, prices for popular metaverse headsets have increased lately, comme Méta increased the cost of its base Headset to $400 en juillet. Plus tôt ce mois-ci, the company also introduced a premium option, the Quest Pro VR, that has a price of $1,500.

toutefois, monetization of the metaverse will be a difficult thing to attain, as the company believes there will be fragmentation, with monetization depending on the growth of different use cases for metaverse experiences and devices. Industrial adoption will be easier to attain, as some use cases are already being explored.

Nokia predicts that all this connectivity will create security holes, and the company is also working to secure users in the metaverse.

Tags dans cette histoire
RA, headsets, industrial metaverse, Méta, Métavers, metaverse experieces, movetization, Nishant Batra, Nokia, quest vr pro, VR

What do you think about the vision that Nokia has for the growth of the metaverse? Dites-nous dans la section commentaires ci-dessous.

Sergio Goschenko

Sergio est un journaliste de crypto-monnaie basé au Venezuela. Il se décrit comme étant en retard dans le match, entrer dans la cryptosphère lorsque la hausse des prix s'est produite en décembre 2017. Avoir une formation en génie informatique, vivre au Vénézuela, et être impacté par le boom de la crypto-monnaie au niveau social, il offre un point de vue différent sur le succès de la crypto et comment il aide les personnes non bancarisées et mal desservies.

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