Le marché NFT devrait atteindre $200 milliards en 2030

Un nouveau rapport prédit que la valeur totale du marché NFT atteindra $200 milliards en 2030. Le rapport, publié par Grand View Research, une société multinationale d'analyse du marché, found that the rising demand for this kind of instrument — due to its growing number of applications — will fuel growth of the market.


NFT Market to Reach $200 Milliard, Fueled by Growing Demand

Jetons non fongibles (TVN) are becoming more popular due to their wide array of applications in different industries. A recent rapport publié par Grand View Research, a market insights company, predicts that the NFT market will reach a value of $200 milliards en 2030, fueled in part by the growing demand behind them due to their applications.

Le rapport, which calculates today’s NFT market value at a little more than $15 milliard, examined the movement and the evolution of the NFT market between 2018 et 2020. The document predicts the market will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 33.9% depuis 2022 à 2030, with this growth being concentrated in the digital asset part of the NFT market.

Most of this activity is expected to happen on Ethereum, which is projected to make its shift to a more eco-friendly consensus mechanism later this year. toutefois, NFT activity in other chains is also expected to grow.

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The collectibles sector is expected to keep dominating the NFT market in the future, with a market share of more than half of NFT global revenue in 2021. Sports and gaming collectibles are in this class, having experienced significant growth after the Covid-19 pandemic period.

Aujourd'hui, most NFTs in the market are destined for personal uses, while commercial NFTs only account for 31% of all NFTs. But companies are projected to use more and more NFTs for various purposes across the period in focus. The document states:

The growing use of NFTs for business purposes, such as innovating supply chain management and logistics, is expected to drive the segment growth. Logistic companies are increasingly integrating blockchain technology in their operations, creating new opportunities for the growth of the segment.

North America is responsible for 31% of this growth currently. But in the future, les APAC region will be the one to grow the most, according to the study, with demand coming from new applications such as gaming and metaverse platforms creating new opportunities in the field. Récemment, a report estimated that the metaverse real estate market size would grow by $5 billion by 2026.

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Sergio Goschenko

Sergio est un journaliste de crypto-monnaie basé au Venezuela. Il se décrit comme étant en retard dans le match, entrer dans la cryptosphère lorsque la hausse des prix s'est produite en décembre 2017. Avoir une formation en génie informatique, vivre au Vénézuela, et être impacté par le boom de la crypto-monnaie au niveau social, il offre un point de vue différent sur le succès de la crypto et comment il aide les personnes non bancarisées et mal desservies.

Crédits image: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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