Le procureur général de New York veut entendre les investisseurs trompés par les plateformes cryptographiques

La procureure générale de New York, Letitia James, a exhorté les investisseurs de son État qui pensent avoir été trompés par une plate-forme cryptographique à contacter son bureau. “Investors were promised large returns on cryptocurrencies, mais à la place ils ont perdu leur argent durement gagné,” she stressed.


Letitia James Issues Investor Alert on Cryptocurrency

New York Attorney General Letitia James issued an investor alert on cryptocurrency Monday. “Many high-profile cryptocurrency businesses have frozen customer withdrawals, announced mass layoffs, or filed for bankruptcy, while investors have been left in financial ruin,” the alert states.

James urged any New Yorker deceived or affected by cryptocurrency platforms to contact the Office of the Attorney General (OAG). en outre, she encouraged anyone in the cryptocurrency industry “who may have witnessed misconduct or fraud to file a whistleblower complaint with her office,” adding that it can be done anonymously.

“The recent turbulence and significant losses in the cryptocurrency market are concerning,” the attorney general emphasized, élaborer:

Les investisseurs se sont vu promettre des rendements importants sur les crypto-monnaies, mais à la place ils ont perdu leur argent durement gagné.

The alert details that in the last few months, investors have lost hundreds of billions of dollars in cryptocurrency markets, citing the terra (LUNE) et terrausd (UST) collapse and withdrawal freezes at several crypto firms, such as Voyager Digital and Celsius Network.

Attorney General James detailed:

I urge any New Yorker who believes they were deceived by crypto platforms to contact my office, and I encourage workers in crypto companies who may have witnessed misconduct to file a whistleblower complaint.

“OAG is interested in hearing from New York investors who have been locked out of their accounts, who are unable to access their investments, or who have been deceived about their cryptocurrency investments," ajoute l'annonce.

En juin, James issued a warning about investing in cryptocurrency, stating that the crypto market is “extremely unpredictable” and “unstable.”

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Kévin Helms

Étudiant en économie autrichienne, Kevin a trouvé Bitcoin dans 2011 et a été un évangéliste depuis. Ses intérêts résident dans la sécurité Bitcoin, systèmes open source, les effets de réseau et l'intersection entre l'économie et la cryptographie.

Crédits image: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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