Grand Miami: La répression cryptographique de la Chine « crée une opportunité incroyable pour l'Amérique » dans l'exploitation minière de Bitcoin

The mayor of Miami, Floride, sees China’s cryptocurrency crackdown as “the turning point” that “creates an incredible opportunity for America.” He said: “Their loss is our gain and America can and will lead the future by providing a clean power home for bitcoin miners and all who are building on/with/for bitcoin.”


Miami Mayor Sees US Benefiting From China’s Crypto Crackdown

MiamiMajor Francis Suarez, who has been trying to build his city into a bitcoin hub, sees the crypto crackdown by the Chinese government as an opportunity for his city and the U.S. He told Bloomberg:

The turning point is now. It creates an incredible opportunity for America.

Suarez a commenté on China’s crackdown this week: "La Chine interdisant le bitcoin est une erreur massive avec des impacts qui se feront sentir pendant des générations. Leur perte est notre gain et l'Amérique peut et dirigera l'avenir en fournissant une source d'énergie propre aux mineurs de bitcoin et à tous ceux qui construisent sur/avec/pour le bitcoin.

The mayor of Miami is not the only politician who sees China’s crackdown on crypto as an opportunity for the U.S. “China’s authoritarian crackdown on crypto, y compris les bitcoins, est une grande opportunité pour les États-Unis. C'est aussi un rappel de notre énorme avantage structurel sur la Chine,» mentionné Senator Pat Toomey. Congressman Patrick McHenry said, “China’s decision to restrict access presents a perfect opportunity for American leadership on cryptocurrency.”

Mayor Suarez said earlier this week that he has been actively trying to convince cryptocurrency miners that South Florida offers great opportunities for mining, including clean energy options, such as nuclear, solar, and hydroelectric.

He confirmed that he has spoken to the CEO of Florida Power & Light, Eric Silagy, about attracting crypto businesses to the area. He tweeted in May that the City of Miami “can mine bitcoin with clean nuclear energy provided by Florida Power & Light,” emphasizing:

We want to be the crypto mining capital of the world and know it can be done sustainably and incorporate solar.

Do you think that China’s crypto crackdown is an opportunity for the U.S. to lead in the area of crypto and crypto mining? Faites-nous savoir dans la section commentaires ci-dessous.

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