La tendance du jalonnement liquide Ethereum continue de gonfler; 5 Contrôle des plateformes 97% du marché

En février. 7, 2023, la valeur verrouillée 11 Les protocoles de jalonnement liquide basés sur Ethereum ont dépassé $11 milliard, avec le Lido, Capital BECO, et enregistrement de Rocket Pool 4-10% gains au cours du mois dernier. Le Lido détient plus de 73% of the total value locked (TVL) hors de 6.87 million ether held by the 11 liquid staking platforms. Plus que 15% of the liquid staking TVL is being staked with Coinbase’s wrapped ether.


Lido Leads the Pack With 73% of Total Value Locked in Ethereum Liquid Staking Industry

Staking Ethereum has become a highly sought-after trend since its introduction on the network’s Beacon chain. The Beacon chain contract has 16.47 million ether locked, worth $26 milliard, that cannot be withdrawn until the upcoming March hard fork. A significant portion of this locked ether is held within liquid staking protocols, comme 11 finances décentralisées (défi) protocols hold 41% du total, ou 6.87 million ether.

Ethereum Liquid Staking Trend Continues to Swell; 5 Platforms Control 97% of Market
Total value locked on Ethereum-based liquid staking platforms on Feb. 7, 2023.

Liquid staking involves exchanging ether for tokenized versions of ether. This allows holders to earn rewards while still having a liquid form of the coin that they can sell at any time without relying on a custodian. The staked ether is held within various protocols, and the platforms handle the exchange for minting and redemption processes. Out of the 41%, which is valued at more than $11 milliard, Lido holds 73% of the total value locked (TVL). Lido’s TVL saw a 4.27% increase last month, and its value locked is around $8.18 milliards aujourd'hui.

Ethereum Liquid Staking Trend Continues to Swell; 5 Platforms Control 97% of Market
Top five liquid staking platforms on Feb. 7, 2023.

Coinbase’s wrapped ether has 1,081,304 ethereum (ETH) locked into the platform and the TVL has gained 5.74% le mois dernier. The Coinbase wrapped ether platform TVL is 15.72% of the market share and the stash is worth $1.76 milliard. The next two largest liquid staking platforms saw the biggest gains over the last month out of the top five projects. Rocket Pool’s TVL climbed 10.71% dans 30 days and during the same time frame, Frax Ether’s TVL increased by 76.73%. Rocket Pool has around 387,016 ETH locked and Frax Ether has a total of 87,134 éther.

Stakewise is the fifth-largest liquid staker, avec 84,481 ether locked on Feb. 7, 2023, estimé à $136 million. Frax Ether holds a 1.27% market share, while Stakewise holds 1.23% Suggestions de sondages récents 6.87 million ether. The other six decentralized finance liquid staking platforms hold a mere 2.6% Suggestions de sondages récents $11 milliards en valeur, while the top five liquid stakers control 97.4%.

Tags dans cette histoire
2.6% Marché, Chaîne de balise, Capital BECO, gardien, finances décentralisées, Jalonnement de liquidités financières décentralisées, ETH, éther, Ethereum, Ethereum (ETH), Ethereum staking, Échanger, Frax Ether, Gains, Suggestions de sondages récents, Piscine, Liquid form, Jalonnement liquide, March hard fork, Market Control, Market Share, frappe, Plateformes, Protocoles, rachat, Rocket Pool, Par enjeu, jalonnement, Stash, Top Five Liquid Stakers, valeur totale verrouillée, s'orienter, valeur verrouillée, withdrawn

What do you think about the continued growth of Ethereum Liquid Staking protocols? Partagez vos pensées dans la section des commentaires ci-dessous.

Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman est le responsable de l'information chez News et un journaliste spécialisé dans les technologies financières vivant en Floride. Redman est un membre actif de la communauté des crypto-monnaies depuis 2011. Il a une passion pour Bitcoin, code open-source, et applications décentralisées. Depuis septembre 2015, Redman a écrit plus de 6,000 articles pour Actualités sur les protocoles perturbateurs qui émergent aujourd'hui.

Crédits image: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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