US Presidential Candidate RFK Jr. Says Bitcoin Provides An ‘Escape Route’ From Financial Turmoil

En Lundi, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. once again cautioned the public to be wary of central bank digital currencies (CBDC), and he insisted that the Biden administration has launched asteady barrage of hostile broadsides against cryptocurrencies.Kennedy, who recently filed

L’Arabie Saoudite et l’OPEP révèlent une réduction surprise de leur production pétrolière; La Maison Blanche insiste sur le fait que les réductions ne sont pas conseillées pour le moment

Le dimanche, Saudi Arabia and several major oil producers announced their plan to cut oil production by 1.15 million barrels per day, starting in May and continuing until the end of 2023. According to the Saudi Energy Ministry, the move was

White House Publishes ‘Roadmap’ to Mitigate Cryptocurrency Risks

The White House has published aroadmap to mitigate cryptocurrenciesrisks.The roadmap calls for authorities toramp up enforcement where appropriateand Congressto step up its effortsto regulate the crypto sector. It also notes that legislation should not

Biden accuse Twitter de cracher des mensonges à travers le monde alors qu'Elon Musk déploie l'abonnement Twitter Blue

Elon Musk a commencé à déployer un service d'abonnement Twitter Blue à 7,99 $ par mois. NOUS. Président Joe Biden, toutefois, craint que le milliardaire ait acheté une plate-forme de médias sociaux “qui vomit des mensonges partout dans le monde.” Déclarant qu'il y a “no editors

White House Is Not Preparing for Recession — Chief of Staff Says US Economy Is Strong

White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain says that the U.S. is not in a recession. “The economy is growing. It is strong,” il a souligné. en outre, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said there are no meetings or anything happening

Michael Saylor publie une lettre ouverte discutant du «volume considérable de désinformation» lié au Bitcoin

The Microstrategy executive Michael Saylor is a big believer in Bitcoin as his company has purchased close to 130,000 bitcoin during the last few years. Il y a six jours, les Etats Unis. Office of Science and Technology Policy published a report that claims

Peur de la guerre, Monkeypox provoque la chute des marchés boursiers et cryptographiques tandis que les métaux précieux montent en flèche

Jeudi, les marchés boursiers et des crypto-monnaies ont connu de la volatilité, après avoir connu des fluctuations lors des tensions entre la Chine et Taïwan mardi et mercredi. Des indices majeurs comme le S&P 500, Dow Jones, et NYSE ont perdu quelques pourcentages aujourd'hui, while the global

L'administration Biden accusée de propagande et de "redéfinition" de la définition technique d'une récession

After people have accused bureaucrats and government agencies of changing definitions during the last few years, Joe Biden’s administration now claims that a second consecutive quarter of negative gross domestic product (PIB) does not indicate the U.S. is in a recession….