L'industrie russe de la cryptographie interroge le gouvernement sur la responsabilité pénale proposée pour les mineurs

The organization representing Russia’s crypto sector has asked the government in Moscow to clarify a proposal to introduce criminal liability for “gray” miners. The draft legislation seeks to punish those who fail to report their income to the state and share

Romania Carries Out Raids as Part of Crypto Tax Evasion Probe

Authorities in Romania have conducted more than a dozen raids against people suspected of hiding income from cryptocurrency operations. The searches took place in late 2022 following an earlier investigation which established that crypto traders had failed to report digital assets

La Colombie prévoit de lancer une monnaie numérique pour réduire l'évasion fiscale

Le gouvernement colombien a révélé qu'il prévoyait de lancer une monnaie numérique. L'un des objectifs de cette nouvelle monnaie serait de lutter contre l'évasion fiscale et de renforcer la traçabilité des transactions effectuées par les citoyens. The proposed measure would also

Israël interdit les transactions en espèces pour des montants aussi bas que $1,700

New legislation introducing tighter restrictions on payments with large sums of cash will enter into force in Israel on Monday. The goal, as stated by the countrys tax authority, is to improve the fight against organized crime, blanchiment d'argent, and tax