G20 Finance Chiefs Agree Global Policy Responses to Crypto Are Required

The G20 finance ministers and central bank governors have agreed that crypto regulation cannot be confined to one part of the world, said India’s finance minister. “Any action on crypto assets will have to be global,” she stressed, adding that the

Le ministre indien des Finances fait pression pour une coopération internationale sur la réglementation de la cryptographie – discute de la campagne de sensibilisation

Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has stressed the importance of international cooperation in order to regulate the crypto sector. She also confirmed that Indian regulatorscrypto awareness campaign will continue to alert people about the risks of investing in crypto. Indien…

L'Inde explore les utilisations commerciales de la monnaie numérique de la banque centrale, déclare le ministre des Finances

The Indian government is exploringseveral commercial use purposes and not just financial inclusionfor its central bank digital currency. Inde’s finance minister clarified that the aim is for the digital rupee, which will be backed by the Reserve Bank of