Dapper Labs et la Ligue espagnole de football Laliga lancent la plateforme NFT Memorable Moments Laliga Golazos

Laliga, the premier soccer league organization in Spain, has announced the launch date of Laliga Golazos, a memorable moment NFT (jeton non fongible) plate-forme. La plateforme, built in partnership with Dapper Labs, will allow users to purchase NFTs with videos of the

La Ligue espagnole de football Laliga s'associe à Globant pour soutenir de nouvelles initiatives Web3 et Metaverse

Laliga, the premier soccer league organization in Spain, has announced a partnership with Globant, an Argentine software giant, to bring Web3 and metaverse experiences to its fans. The partnership will combine Globants tech resources with Laligas tech division in order to