Le rouble numérique est indispensable,’ La Banque centrale de Russie déclare, Ne retardera pas les tests

La Banque centrale de Russie a souligné l'importance d'aller de l'avant avec son projet de rouble numérique. Selon une déclaration d'un haut représentant, the monetary authority has no intention to delay the trials despite not all invited banks being

Les joueurs de stratégie et d'espace obtiennent leur propre métaverse Play-to-Earn plein de NFT sympas - DEEPSPACE, Les joueurs de stratégie et d'espace obtiennent leur propre métaverse Play-to-Earn plein de NFT sympas - DEEPSPACE

Allemagne’s Deutsche Bank has become the latest financial services giant to confirm its leaving Russia over Moscows military assault on Ukraine. The bank has been reducing its Russian exposure since 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea and the conflict in Eastern Ukraine

La banque centrale ukrainienne limite les retraits d'espèces dans le cadre de l'assaut russe

The central bank of Ukraine has capped withdrawals of cash in national fiat and banned those in foreign currency. The monetary authority says the measures aim to ensure the functioning of the nations financial system under the martial law introduced in

Crypto Exchange Binance rejoint le centre d'expertise de l'Association des banques russes

Digital asset exchange Binance has become the first crypto company to support the Association of Banks of Russia in efforts devoted to regulating the countrys growing cryptocurrency market. The coin trading platform will also work with authorities in Moscow as they

L'Iran va piloter la « crypto-monnaie nationale »,' Envisage Blockchain Tech pour le marché boursier

The Central Bank of Iran soon plans to launch the pilot phase of its digital currency project, an official unveiled. The Islamic Republic hopes to a join a growing club of nations that want to take advantage of having a sovereign

Sberbank lance le premier ETF Blockchain en Russie

Le géant bancaire russe Sberbank a présenté le pays’le premier fonds négocié en bourse (ETF) donner aux investisseurs l'accès à l'espace blockchain. Le nouvel instrument détient des titres de sociétés traitant des crypto-monnaies et des technologies qui les sous-tendent.. Sberbank présente l'économie de la blockchain de suivi des ETF…

La Banque de Russie dispose d'outils pour restreindre les investissements cryptographiques, Conseils du gouverneur

La Banque centrale de Russie a réaffirmé son opposition aux investissements en crypto-monnaie, citant la volatilité des actifs numériques comme un motif clé de sa position conservatrice. Governor Elvira Nabiullina has recently indicated that the regulator has the means to restrict

Les Ukrainiens ont offert de nouveaux services de cryptographie, Cartes Bitcoin

Along with the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies, Ukrainians are enjoying an expanding range of related services and products. Besides new options to buy and trade coins, crypto users in the country will be offered two cards that will allow them to

La Banque de Russie rejette la fourniture de services financiers liés à la cryptographie

Russie’s central bank has voiced opposition to the provision of financial services related to cryptocurrencies. The monetary authority believes such offerings would go against the interests of Russian investors as they are highly risky. Central Bank of Russia Unwilling to Allow

Le volume annuel des transactions cryptographiques effectuées par les Russes atteint $5 Milliard, La Banque de Russie trouve

With the growing capitalization of the crypto economy, Russians have been making crypto transactions worth billions of dollars a year, data gathered by the Central Bank of Russia shows. Russian residents are some of the most active participants in the crypto