French President Emmanuel Macron States Europe Must Reduce Its Dependence on the US Dollar to Avoid Becoming ‘Vassals’

Emmanuel Macron, president of France, clarified his position on the future of Europe and its relations with China and the U.S. in the short term. Returning from his visit to Beijing, Macron believes that Europe should avoid getting caught up in

Le chef de l'organisme vénézuélien de surveillance de la cryptographie, Sunacrip, arrêté pour des accusations présumées de corruption; Institution confrontée à une restructuration

Joselit Ramírez, head of the Venezuelan cryptocurrency authority Sunacrip, was arrested on March 18, according to reports from local media. Ramirez, who led the institution from its creation in 2018, was arrested for being allegedly involved in corruption schemes, including the

Gouvernement de Floride. DeSantis propose d'interdire l'utilisation de la monnaie numérique des banques centrales comme monnaie

Governor Ron DeSantis of the U.S. state of Florida has proposed legislation to prohibit the use of central bank digital currency (CBDC) as money in his state. “The Biden administrations efforts to inject a centralized bank digital currency is about surveillance

Ukraine Raises More Crypto Than Russia in Year of War, Analysis Unveils

The two sides in the bitter conflict in Ukraine have been relying on crypto assets and technology to support their military and humanitarian activities, Elliptic says in a report. According to the blockchain forensics company, the targeted nation has attracted more

Les échanges cryptographiques permettent aux Russes de contourner les sanctions, Le rapport allègue

Les principales bourses de cryptographie n'ont pas réussi à empêcher les banques et les commerçants russes sanctionnés d'effectuer des transactions., selon un rapport médico-légal de la blockchain. Au moins deux plateformes d'échange de pièces bien établies continuent de permettre aux Russes d'utiliser leurs cartes bancaires dans le cadre d'accords peer-to-peer, the analysis

Le gouvernement brésilien prépare un nouveau décret pour clarifier les règles sur les crypto-monnaies

The Brazilian government is preparing to release a decree to fill the blank spaces that the recent approval of the cryptocurrency law has left open. Le document, prepared by the Ministry of Finance, will establish the areas of oversight and responsibilities

Les pirates ont volé $3.8 Milliards provenant d’entreprises de cryptographie 2022, Dit Chainalysis

Blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis says 2022 a été “the biggest year ever for crypto hacking,” avec $3.8 billion stolen from cryptocurrency businesses. The firm added that decentralized finance (défi) protocol hacks accounted for 82.1% of all cryptocurrency stolen by hackers during the

Brazilian Securities Commission CVM Opens a Path for Funds to Invest in Crypto

The Brazilian Securities Commission CVM has cleared the path for funds to dive into cryptocurrency-based investments. The institution issued a new set of rules that allows financial investment funds to invest in cryptocurrency tokens with the equivalent protections offered to other

Le groupe nord-coréen Lazarus lié à un nouveau programme de piratage de crypto-monnaie

The Lazarus group, a North Korean hacking organization previously linked to criminal activity, has been connected to a new attack scheme to breach systems and steal cryptocurrency from third parties. The campaign, which uses a modified version of an already existing