Au milieu de « l'appareil réglementaire » contre la crypto, Paul Tudor Jones maintient l'allocation de Bitcoin

Dans une récente interview, the renowned investor Paul Tudor Jones expressed his perspective on bitcoin, acknowledging that there might be regulatory challenges ahead. toutefois, Jones emphasized his unwavering commitment to the dominant cryptocurrency, affirming that he maintainsa small diversification” dans…

L'insaisissable Satoshi Nakamoto: Les derniers e-mails révèlent les pensées du créateur de Bitcoin avant de disparaître il y a plus d'une décennie

Twelve years ago, on this very day of April 23, 2011, a cryptic individual, known only as Satoshi Nakamoto, penned one of the final correspondences to software developer Mike Hearn. The elusive mastermind behind Bitcoin conveyed in the message that he,…

Le chef de l'organisme vénézuélien de surveillance de la cryptographie, Sunacrip, arrêté pour des accusations présumées de corruption; Institution confrontée à une restructuration

Joselit Ramírez, head of the Venezuelan cryptocurrency authority Sunacrip, was arrested on March 18, according to reports from local media. Ramirez, who led the institution from its creation in 2018, was arrested for being allegedly involved in corruption schemes, including the

Innovations Help to Substantially Reduce the Gap Between Decentralized and Centralized Exchanges — Dexalot COO

While centralized exchanges are thought to be safer and more efficient, proponents of decentralized platforms like Tim Shan insist that user experience on decentralized exchanges has improved. en outre, inherent benefits associated with decentralized exchanges such as the self-custody of assets

Signaler: La banque centrale nigériane a dépensé plus $1.8 milliards gérant la monnaie locale

During her appearance before Nigerian lawmakers, Aisha Ahmad, the deputy governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), told lawmakers that out of the nearly $1.8 billion used to manage the local currency, plus de 90% of this total was reportedly used

Des rapports suggèrent que Caroline Ellison travaille avec le gouvernement fédéral et s'en prend au cofondateur de FTX, Bankman-Fried

Suite à l'arrestation de l'ancien patron de FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), les spectateurs continuent de se demander où est Caroline Ellison, ex-PDG d'Alameda Research, et si elle a allumé ou non SBF. Quelques rapports suggèrent qu'Ellison « travaille probablement avec le gouvernement fédéral » et…

StreamCoin annonce un investissement de 200 millions de STRM Corporate ICO par TNC IT Group

COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE. StreamCoin revealed that it has secured a corporate ICO investment from blockchain consulting firm TNC IT Group. Spécifiquement, TNC IT Group has purchased over 200 million STRM during the recently-concluded STRM public sale. The announcement came after StreamCoin revealed

millions dans un cycle de financement de série A + dirigé par Andreessen Horowitz

millions dans un cycle de financement de série A + dirigé par Andreessen Horowitz, millions dans un cycle de financement de série A + dirigé par Andreessen Horowitz, millions dans un cycle de financement de série A + dirigé par Andreessen Horowitz’millions dans un cycle de financement de série A + dirigé par Andreessen Horowitz. Lors d'un événement organisé par PWC appelé “Lors d'un événement organisé par PWC appelé,” Delgado explained that the continued

Un avocat accuse Huobi d'exploiter un échange de crypto-monnaie qui n'est "tenu responsable nulle part"

Houbi Global, which is based in Seychelles, has been accused by lawyer Jonathan Levy of operating without accountability to any jurisdiction. The lawyer adds that the exchanges physical address in the island nation is for mailing purposes only. Accountability Issues U.S.-based

Ex-responsable de Crypto Exchange Wex libéré en Pologne

Former chief executive of the Russian cryptocurrency exchange Wex, Dmitri Vassiliev, has been released from arrest in Warsaw earlier this month. The ex-head of the now-defunct coin trading platform has since returned to Russia while court proceedings against him in Poland