Les collections d'inscriptions ordinales sur la blockchain Bitcoin se développent à mesure que les créateurs monétisent l'art

With more than 150,000 Ordinal inscriptions on the Bitcoin blockchain, there are now numerous collections as creators and artists have found a new way to monetize their artworks via blockchain technology. In the past month, people have launched collections such as

2021NFT Boom pousse les collectionneurs vers des collections rares et plus anciennes

Dans 2021, jetons non fongibles (TVN) have been extremely popular and have become a billion-dollar industry this year. Theres been a number of NFT marketplaces and collections that have seen a massive number of sales and individual digital collectibles have sold for

Paris Hilton répertorie quelques pièces de sa collection NFT via Sotheby's Metaverse Marketplace

La semaine dernière, la première maison de ventes aux enchères de luxe Sotheby’s a présenté son jeton non fongible (TVN) marché appelé “Métavers.” Le Sotheby’Le marché NFT a présenté un certain nombre d'œuvres d'art à collectionner, y compris des cartes de la collection de cartes Rare Pepe. Now the socialite Paris Hilton has

Le "Feels Guy" devient blockchain - Lancement d'un projet rare Wojak NFT 4,000 Wojaks générés aléatoirement

While Pepe the frog and Doge made it into the limelight with unique and rare non-fungible token (TVN) des atouts, another NFT meme collection tied to the infamous 2010 memeWojakhas entered the fray. A new NFT collection stemming from the