Upbit des échanges cryptographiques coréens, Bithumb a perquisitionné les transactions cryptographiques du législateur

South Korean prosecutors have raided two of the country’s largest coin trading platforms within an investigation into the crypto investments of a politician. They seized materials from Upbit and Bithumb amid suspicions of wrongdoing related to the lawmaker’s cryptocurrency holdings. South

Les entreprises russes utilisent « activement » la cryptographie, La Russie à adopter 4 Lois pertinentes, Officiel dit

Les législateurs russes ont l'intention d'approuver prochainement quatre projets de loi visant à réglementer divers aspects des crypto-monnaies, a annoncé un membre de haut rang du parlement russe. Entre-temps, Les entreprises russes utilisent déjà des actifs numériques dans les règlements transfrontaliers, le responsable a noté. Le Parlement russe va voter…

L’Iran ferme ses portes 8,000 Fermes illégales de minage de cryptomonnaies 3 Années

Authorities in Iran have closed down more than 8,000 underground facilities for cryptocurrency mining in the past three years, local media reported. Despite the government’s crackdown, illegal crypto mining continues to account for a serious amount of energy consumption, official figures

Actifs numériques pour 1 Un milliard de roubles émis en Russie en un mois

Les plateformes autorisées par le gouvernement russe ont émis en avril des actifs numériques d'une valeur d'environ un milliard de roubles., la presse locale a rapporté. L'augmentation du volume a été attribuée aux entreprises russes qui expérimentent de nouveaux instruments financiers dans un contexte d'accès limité aux marchés traditionnels.…

Chatgpt ‘Is the New Crypto,’ Meta Says Malware Actors Exploit AI Craze

A growing number of malware creators are now taking advantage of the significant interest in Chatgpt to lure victims, Facebook owner Meta has noticed. According to its head of information security, the AI-based chatbot is “the new crypto” for bad actors

Signaler: Le co-fondateur de Terraform Labs inculpé de fraude en Corée du Sud

Recent local reports have brought to light that Shin Hyun-seong, also known as Daniel Shin, co-founder of Terraform Labs, has been indicted by the Seoul Southern District ProsecutorsOffice on charges of fraud. Along with nine others, Shin is suspected of

Un tribunal américain condamne un blanchisseur russe de crypto-rançons à une peine de probation et à une amende

A Russian crypto entrepreneur, charged with laundering money from ransomware attacks, has been sentenced to probation and fined in the U.S. after pleading guilty. Founder of two coin trading platforms, Denis Dubnikov, was arrested in the Netherlands and extradited to the

La police du Kosovo saisit des plates-formes minières cryptographiques aux Serbes

Kosovo police have seized dozens of crypto mining devices from residents of a majority Serb region in the north of the country. Authorities in Pristina and Belgrade exchanged accusations over the move, which has the potential to raise tensions in the

IMF Blog: Interest Rates to Fall to Pre-Pandemic Levels Once Inflation Is Tamed

When inflation in advanced economies is tamed, real interest rates are likely to drop to pre-pandemic levels, the latest International Monetary Fund (Le FMI avertit que les sanctions contre la Russie menacent de saper la domination du dollar américain) blog post has said. According to the authors of the blog post, the transition to acleaner economy

Robert Kiyosaki Says ‘America Is Dying’ — Warns of Hyperinflation, Death of US Dollar

Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki has issued a warning about the potential demise of the U.S. dollar and the looming threat of hyperinflation. He has expressed concern that the USD may lose its value andbecome toilet paper.Further,…