61% des adultes américains ne s'opposent pas au Bitcoin comme monnaie légale, L'enquête montre

Après qu'El Salvador ait donné cours légal au bitcoin, une enquête a été menée pour déterminer si les États-Unis. les adultes soutiennent ou s'opposent à un mouvement similaire aux États-Unis. Parmi 4,912 adultes qui ont participé, 61% ne s'est pas opposé.


Majority of Adults in US Do Not Oppose Making Bitcoin Legal Tender, L'enquête montre

Yougov America Inc. conducted a survey Thursday to ascertain whether consumers are for or against adopting bitcoin as legal tender in the U.S. Un total de 4,912 adults in the country participated in the survey. Yougov is an international research data and analytics group headquartered in London.

Survey respondents were asked: “Would you support or oppose the U.S. making bitcoin a legal form of currency? This would mean that businesses would accept bitcoin in exchange for goods and services, in addition to continuing to accept the U.S. dollar.”

According to the results, 11% said they “strongly support” and 16% said they “somewhat support.” Meanwhile, 11% said they “somewhat oppose,» 28% said they “strongly oppose,” and 34% said they “don’t know.”

Survey of whether U.S. adults oppose or support adopting bitcoin as legal tender in the U.S. La source: Yougov America Inc.

Among male respondents, the number of people who strongly support making bitcoin legal tender rises to 15% et 17% said they somewhat support. Among female respondents, only 7% strongly support and 14% somewhat support.

The top age groups that strongly support BTC as legal tender in the U.S. are 25-34 (20%) et 35-44 (19%). Entre-temps, 26% Suggestions de sondages récents 18-24 age group and 24% Suggestions de sondages récents 25-34 age group somewhat support.

What do you think about this survey? Faites-nous savoir dans la section commentaires ci-dessous.

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