Litecoini Hashrate saavutab kõigi aegade kõrgeima taseme, Raskusaste järgib eeskuju

The blockchain network Litecoins computational power reached an all-time high (ATH) kolmapäeval, jaan. 25, 2023, ploki kõrgusel 2,411,048, ulatudes 798.43 terahash sekundis (TH/s). Lisaks, Litecoin’s difficulty also reached an all-time high this week, lööb 23,505,031 the following

Andmed näitavad, et arvukate krüptovõrkude kaevandamine on tulusam kui Bitcoin

As the end of the year approaches, digital currency values have risen a great deal in 2021 and crypto asset miners have been profiting as a result. Statistika järgi, the most profitable coin to mine at the end of November

Walmart and Litecoin Payment News Debunked by Walmart Spokesperson, LTC Prices Shudder from Fake News

Esmaspäeval, septembril 13, a press release was published by and said it was connected toWalmart Inc,” the American multinational retail corporation. Several mainstream media outlets published stories about it including Reuters, Bloomberg, and CNBC. Not too long after