‘Unprecedented Opportunities’ — Cleanspark Acquires 1,061 Bitcoin Miners at a ‘Discounted Price’

Neljapäeval, the publicly-listed bitcoin mining firm Cleanspark announced that it added 93 petahash per second (PH/s) of hashpower to the companys existing operations by acquiring 1,061 Whatsminer M30S bitcoin mining rigs. The latest ASIC acquisition follows Cleansparks recent purchase contract

Bitmain Launches 2,400 Megahash E9 Ethereum Miner Ahead of The Merge

juulil 6, the crypto mining rig manufacturer Bitmain announced the launch of the highly anticipated Antminer E9 after revealing the device on April 15, 2021. The machine boasts speeds of up to 2.4 gigahash per second (GH/s) and Bitmain is

Uganda väidab, et avastati uurimisuuringud 31 Miljon tonni kulda

Kuigi kulda peetakse sageli napiks varaks, Uganda selgitas kolmapäeval, et hiljuti tehtud uuringud näitavad, et seal’s umbkaudu 31 miljonit tonni kullamaaki, mis ootab piirkonnas kaevandamist. enamgi veel, Uganda pressiesindaja’s ministeerium…

Bitcoin Miners May Get Another Break This Week as Network’s Mining Difficulty Is Expected to Drop

Bitcoin miners may catch another break this week as the networks mining difficulty is estimated to see a reduction tomorrow. Every two weeks Bitcoins difficulty adjustment algorithm (DAA) muudatusi, and during the last DAA change, the difficulty dipped by 4.33%. Praegu,…

Tesla tegevjuhil Elon Muskil on USA majanduse suhtes ülihalb tunne – Biden vastab

Tesla and Spacex CEO Elon Musk says he has asuper bad feelingabout the U.S. majandust. President Joe Biden vastas suurte korporatsioonide suurte investeeringute nimekirjaga ja soovis Muskile õnne tema Kuu-reisil.. Elon

Solana peatab plokkide tootmise, Validaatorid käskisid taaskäivitamiseks valmistuda, Võrgustiku detsentraliseerimist kritiseeriti

On June 1, 2022, the Solana network halted block production again as the blockchain network has stopped working a number of times during the networks lifetime. According to the Solana status update, validator operators are being asked to prepare for a

Freedom Protocol Has Become the Project With the Largest Amount of IDO in the Ecology of Binance Smart Chain

PRESSITEADE. Binance is a curious company. the worlds largest cryptocurrency exchange, it also has no official headquarters and operates outside regulatory control. But that may not stop its step. Binance.US raised funding at a $4.5bn valuation this month, providing a

Hävitatud ebaseaduslike krüptokaevandusfarmide arv Iraanis läheneb 7,000

Iraani võimud on peaaegu sulgenud 7,000 volitamata rajatised krüptoraha kaevandamiseks viimase kahe aasta jooksul, teatas kohalik meedia. Vastavalt aruandele, enamik illegaalseid bitcoinifarme oli koondunud viide Islamivabariigi provintsi,…

Lõuna-Aafrika peenveinide kollektsioon, mida müüakse NFT-na

Lõuna-Aafrika kogud’s peeneid veine müüdi hiljuti mittevahetatavate märkidena (NFT-d) ühe partiiga müüakse $79,000. Kohe peale oksjonit, bitcoini kasutamise eest maksti väidetavalt kaks partiid. Lots Exceed Estimates Collections of fine wines made by

Bitcoin Mining Difficulty Hits a Lifetime High After a 5.56% Increase, Metric Nears 30 triljon

Bitcoin’s mining difficulty reached a lifetime high on April 27, ploki kõrgusel 733,824, after jumping 5.56% higher than two weeks ago. The difficulty jump further indicates that Bitcoins difficulty is also nearing 30 triljonit, as the change on Wednesday shows