Ameerika majandusteadlased on hämmingus ebatavalise olukorra pärast, kuna Venemaa rubla on maailma parima tootlikkusega Fiati valuuta

Two months after the Russian ruble fell below a U.S. penny, the transcontinental countrys fiat currency is the best performing currency worldwide. American economists are baffled by theunusual situationbecause a country facing stiff sanctions typically sees its fiat currency

Russian Crypto Mining Giant Bitriver Considers Challenging US Sanctions

Venemaa’s Bitriver, one of the largest operators of crypto mining data centers, may take legal action against the U.S. over the decision to place it under sanctions. The company insists it does not help the Russian government to circumvent international restrictions….

USA riigikassa sanktsioonide esimene krüptomikser

USA. Department of the Treasurys Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has issued its first-ever sanctions on a crypto mixer. The mixing service was used by Lazarus Group to process illicit proceeds from the $620 million crypto heist of the

Venemaa Pank katsetab digitaalseid rublaarveldusi 2023

Venemaa’s rahaasutus kavatseb järgmisel aastal teha esimesed arveldused digitaalse rublaga, teatas selle kuberner sel nädalal. Venemaa seadusandjatega rääkimine, Ametnik rõhutas uue valuuta olulist rolli Venemaa jaoks sanktsioonide tingimustes….

Leading Eastern European Exchange Exmo Sells Business in Russia, Belarus

Exmo, a U.K.-based crypto exchange with extensive presence in Eastern Europe, is pulling out of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The trading platform,, says its making the move to avoid jeopardizing its expansion in other regions by operating in high-risk markets

FBI andis hoiatuse seoses pahatahtlike riigi toetatud Põhja-Korea häkkeritega, kes sihivad krüptofirmasid

aprillil 18, föderaalne juurdlusbüroo (FBI), USA. Rahandusosakond, ning küberturvalisuse ja infrastruktuuri turvalisuse agentuur (CISA) avaldas küberturvalisuse nõuande (CSA) aruanne pahatahtliku Põhja-Korea riiklikult rahastatud krüptovaluutategevuse kohta. Vastavalt U.S. valitsus, korrakaitse…

Digitaalne rubla "Väga vaja,“ ütleb Venemaa keskpank, Ei viivita testimisega

Venemaa keskpank on rõhutanud oma digitaalse rubla projektiga edasi liikumise olulisust. Tippesindaja avalduse kohaselt, rahandusasutusel ei ole kavatsust katseid edasi lükata, vaatamata sellele, et kõik pangad ei ole kutsutud…

Venemaa Kaubanduskoda soovitab kasutada krüptovaluutasid arveldustes Aafrikaga

Employing crypto in cross-border payments is one of the proposals put forward by the Russian Chamber Of Commerce lobbying for more cooperation with African countries. Amid unprecedented sanctions limiting Russias ability to trade internationally, the head of the board has urged

IMF Warns Russia Sanctions Threaten to Undermine US Dollar Dominance

Financial sanctions imposed on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine may result in reduced dominance of the U.S. valuuta, according to a high-ranking official at the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The confrontation could lead to fragmentation of the worlds current monetary

Deutsche Bank to Exit Russia, Says There Will Be No New Business There

Germanys Deutsche Bank has become the latest financial services giant to confirm its leaving Russia over Moscows military assault on Ukraine. The bank has been reducing its Russian exposure since 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea and the conflict in Eastern Ukraine