Crypto Exchange Coinbase käivitab Ethereum L2 skaleerimisvõrgu nimega Base

The cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has announced the deployment of Base, an Ethereum layer two (L2) skaleerimisvõrk, after developers launched the Base testnet on Thursday. The company said it is incubating Base within Coinbase and that the L2 chain will progressively

Arbitrumi ja Optimismi L2 ahelate kombineeritud tehingud ületavad Ethereumi igapäevase ülekannete arvu

Alates The Merge, Ethereum’s onchain tasud on olnud tunduvalt madalamad. Kuid, kombineeritud tehingumaht teisel kihil (L2) ketid Arbitrum ja Optimism on Ethereumist edestanud’s onchain tehingu väljund. Laupäeval, jaan. 14, 2023, Ethereum töödeldud 1.10 miljonit onchain-tehingut, samas kombineerituna…

L2 skaleerimislahendus Arbitrum juurutab Nitro Rollup Stacki migratsiooni

The layer two (L2) scaling solution Arbitrum revealed on Wednesday that the team has implemented the projects Nitro rollup stack migration. Earlier this month, Arbitrum developers noted that the Nitro migration would reduce network fees and improve throughput. Arbitrum Developers Implement