Bitcoin’s Hashrate Remains Stronger Than Ever in the Face of Crypto Winter Prices and Sky High Difficulty

Despite the fact that bitcoin miners are getting bare minimums in profits per petahash per second (PH/s), and the myriad of headlines showing specific mining operations folding from the crypto winter, võrku’s total hashrate continues to chug along at close

Bitcoin Miners May Get Another Break This Week as Network’s Mining Difficulty Is Expected to Drop

Bitcoin miners may catch another break this week as the networks mining difficulty is estimated to see a reduction tomorrow. Every two weeks Bitcoins difficulty adjustment algorithm (DAA) muudatusi, and during the last DAA change, the difficulty dipped by 4.33%. Praegu,…

Väga oodatud Bitcoini versiooniuuendus Taproot aktiveerub – Taprooti skripti kulutab looduses

Bitcoin advocates are celebrating the successful implementation of the Taproot upgrade after block height 709,632. The upgrade was highly anticipated as it was one of the biggest changes since the introduction of Segregated Witness (Segwit) sisse 2017. After the upgrade was

Krüptovõrgu räsiraatid taastuvad suvisest madalseisust – Ethereumi hashrate saavutas kõigi aegade kõrgeima taseme

On November 2, 2021, the Ethereum networks global hashrate tapped an all-time high (ATH) juures 873 terahash sekundis (TH/s) or close to 1 petahash. Alongside Ethereums ATH, a myriad of hashrates have returned back to the highs the networks once