Arbitrumi ja Optimismi L2 ahelate kombineeritud tehingud ületavad Ethereumi igapäevase ülekannete arvu

Alates The Merge, Ethereum’s onchain tasud on olnud tunduvalt madalamad. Kuid, kombineeritud tehingumaht teisel kihil (L2) ketid Arbitrum ja Optimism on Ethereumist edestanud’s onchain tehingu väljund. Laupäeval, jaan. 14, 2023, Ethereum töödeldud 1.10 miljonit onchain-tehingut, samas kombineerituna…

CoinEx: Uue krüptotuleviku vastuvõtmiseks, muutes krüptokaubanduse järgmise viie aasta jooksul lihtsamaks

PRESSITEADE. In December 2022, CoinEx will celebrate its fifth birthday. Since its inception, the crypto exchange has gone through bulls and bears and attracted over four million users across more than 200 countries and regions worldwide. For both CoinEx and

Aruanne viitab sellele, et FTX-i märgistatud aktsiad ei pruugi olla tagatud 1:1, Sünteetikat võidi kasutada tegelike aktsiahindade manipuleerimiseks

detsembril. 4, 2022, a report details that FTX-based synthetic stocks may have been used to manipulate the value of AMC shares. Maikuus 2021, FTX offered 36 tokenized stocks but speculators believe its questionable whether or not the firm actually

USDT raputav hind segab Alameda reservidega seotud spekulatsioone, Tether külmub 46 Miljon žetoone

Amid the market fluctuations on Thursday, data shows the stablecoin tether temporarily tapped a low of $0.961 ühiku kohta. Tether’s market fluctuations have affected the decentralized finance (defi) protocol Curves 3pool, as the stablecoin pool has become unbalanced Thursday morning. Lisaks,…

Ethereum’s Post-Merge Transfer Fees Remain Low, Since Mid-May High-Priority ETH Fees Are 93% Cheaper

Following Ethereums transition from proof-of-work (PoW) panuse tõestamiseks (PoS) on September 15, the blockchain networks transaction fees have been much lower than they were ten days before The Merge. Roughly four months ago on May 13, 2022, high-priority ether transactions could

Kulutades 276 miljonit dollarit eetrisse – kolossaalne Ethereum vaal, kes osales Genesise ICO ülekannetes 145,000 ETH

After three years of dormancy, a massive ethereum whale that participated in the projects first token sale, also known as the Genesis initial coin offering (ICO), spent 145,000 ether worth just over $276 million using todays ethereum exchange rates. Mega Ethereum

Aruanne: Huobi to Start Layoffs That Could ‘Exceed 30%’ — Founder May Sell Stake in Company

According to the Chinese journalist Colin Wu, otherwise known asWu Blockchain,” the cryptocurrency company Huobi may lay off 30% of the firms staff due toa sharp drop in revenue.” Lisaks, the reporter claims that Huobis co-founder Leon Li is

Ajaloo suurim NFT rahapaja – Bored Ape's Otherside virtuaalne maamüük tõuseb $320 Miljon

Laupäeval, Bored Ape Jahtklubi loojad (BAYC), Yuga Labs, paljastas Otherside metaverse virtuaalse maamüügi, mis osutus üheks suurimaks asendamatuks märgiks (NFT) rahapajad siiani. The Otherside metaverse virtual land sale raised

Luna fond ostab teise $5 Miljon Bitcoinis, LFG rahakott Hoiab 42,530 BTC

Luna fondi valvur (LFG) ostis lisa 123.89 bitcoin reedel väärt lähedal $5 miljonit arvelduse hetkel. Alates märtsi keskpaigast, Terra’s LFG on bitcoine omandanud regulaarselt ja pärast reedehommikust ostu,…

Terra asutaja Do Kwon "ootab Bitcoiniga ehitamist" - projekt omandab väidetavalt BTC-s 125 miljonit dollarit

Just hiljuti, Terra asutaja Do Kwon vihjas ostmisele $3 miljardit bitcoine protokolli tugevdamiseks’s reservid ning mitmete aruannete ja plokiahela analüüsi järgi, Terra ostetud $125 märtsil miljoni väärtuses bitcoine 21. Järgmisel päeval,…