Suurimad liikujad: XRP, ADA Drop to Multi-Week Lows on Friday

Xrp plunged to a multi-week low in Friday’s istungil, as the token slipped for a third consecutive session. The move pushed prices to their lowest point since late March, with the global market cap trading 2.39% lower as of writing. Cardano…

Opensea langetab tasud nulli ja kuulutab välja uue sisuloojate tulumudeli vastuseks NFT maastiku muutmisele

Suurim mittevahetatavate žetoonide turg (NFT-d), Avameri, on teatanud suurtest muudatustest oma tasude struktuuris ja poliitikas vastuseks NFT ökosüsteemi muutustele. The company detailed that it will drop fees to zero for a limited time

USA kohtunik lükkas tagasi klientide hagi krüptobörsi mündibaasi vastu

USA. district judge has dismissed a lawsuit against Coinbase and its CEO Brian Armstrong filed by customers of the crypto exchange. The lawsuit alleges that Coinbase sold 79 crypto tokens that are unregistered securities. Customer Lawsuit Against Coinbase Dismissed A

FTX ja Alameda Research varisevad kurb sündmus, kuid "pikemas perspektiivis hea", ütleb DWF Labsi juhtivpartner

While the collapse of the crypto exchange FTX and its affiliate Alameda Research is thought to have left many crypto players, including market makers, in the worst possible position, according to Andrei Grachev, managing partner at DWF Labs, this incident may

Hacker Sent to Prison for Robbing Vietnamese Crypto Exchange

Authorities in Vietnam have caught and sentenced a hacker who stole money and data from a local cryptocurrency exchange. The man, who was arrested and charged for extorting the trading platforms owner, has been ordered to return the money he misappropriated….

Krüptokogukond küsib: Kus maailmas on endine Alameda tegevjuht Sam Trabucco??

Pärast FTX kaasasutaja Sam Bankman-Friedi vahistamist ning tema kaastöötajate Gary Wangi ja Caroline Ellisoni avaldusi, tähelepanu keskpunkt on lülitanud sisse ülejäänud juhid, kes kuulusid meeskonna siseringi. Tänapäeval huvitab inimesi veel üks inimene…

Krüptolanguse üleujutuste turg Rolexi ja Pateki kelladega, Kauplemisplatvorm ütleb

Väidetavalt on viimased krüptoruumi probleemid viinud kasutatud luksuskellade suurenenud pakkumiseni, juhtiva kauplemisplatvormi järgi. Tulemusena, suurte kaubamärkide, nagu Rolex ja Patek, nõutud mudelite hinnad on langenud, a…

Brasiilia loob krüptouuringutele pühendatud uurimisüksuse

The public prosecution of the Federal District, located in the center-west region of Brazil, has launched its own cryptocurrency investigation unit. The newly formed unit will focus its activities on aiding other prosecutors in cryptocurrency investigations, and also educating consumers about

While Bitcoin and Ethereum Dominance Slides, Stablecoin Market Caps Reap the Rewards

During the past 30 päevadel, $285 billion has left the crypto economy and bitcoins USD value hit a 2022 low at $17,593 per unit on June 18. enamgi veel, Eelmine kuu’s statistics show bitcoins market dominance was 2.9% higher and ethereums market

E-kaubanduse hiiglane Ebay omandab NFT Marketplace Knownorigini

E-kaubanduse ja veebioksjonihiiglane Ebay teatas, et ettevõte on omandanud mittevahetatava märgi (NFT) turg Knownorigin. Ebay declared that the acquisition is animportant step in Ebays tech-led reimagination.Ebay Purchases NFT Marketplace in Order to Make E-Commerce