Bitcoin Cash Smart Contracts ‘Comparable to Those on Ethereum’ Possible via May Upgrade, ‘1000x Efficiency Advantage’: Dev Jason Dreyzehner

Pro-freedom technologies advocate and software developer Jason Dreyzehner recently spoke with News via email about the upcoming Bitcoin Cash network upgrade on May 15. One of the most talked about improvement proposals set to go through on that date —…

Former FTX CEO Seeks $10M Insurance Fund for Legal Defense, Request Opposed by FTX Debtors and Unsecured Creditors

Court filings reveal that the FTX co-founder is seeking access to a $10 million insurance plan to cover his attorney fees. FTX debtors and unsecured creditors have opposed Sam Bankman-Fried’s request, arguing that every dollar spent on his defense isone

FTX Bankman-Fried kasutab väidetavalt Alameda vahendeid õiguskaitse eest tasumiseks

Kahe FTX-ile lähedase allika järgi, Sam Bankman-Fried, häbiväärne kaasasutaja, andis isale, Stanfordi õiguse professor Joseph Bankman, miljoneid dollareid. Väidetavalt kasutatakse raha õigusabikulude katmiseks. Allikad ütlesid, et Bankman-Fried andis väidetavalt…

Peter Schiff Advises Selling Bitcoin Today — Says It’s ‘the Smart Move’

Gold bug and economist Peter Schiff has recommended selling bitcoin today, emphasizing that it isthe smart move.Many people disagreed with Schiffs analysis of the price of the cryptocurrency, warning that he is telling investors to sell at the bottom….

Eunoia – a Knowledge Community DAO Platform for Professionals

PRESSITEADE. DemandCircle is delighted to announce the official launch of Eunoia, Web 3.0’s very own decentralized business knowledge platform. With the goal of bringing industry professionals together in expertise-centric communities, Eunoia incentivises meaningful participation with rewards in the platform’s native

Dapper Labs peatab uute EL-i sanktsioonide tõttu NFT-operatsioonid Venemaa kasutajatele

Kanada ettevõte Dapper Labs on blokeerinud tegevuse mittevahetatavate žetoonidega (NFT-d) Venemaa kontode jaoks. See samm järgneb ELi hiljuti kehtestatud sanktsioonide uuele voorule, mis keelab krüptoteenuste osutamise Venemaa elanikele ja üksustele.. NFT platvorm…

Säilitage lapsepõlve armastusega: CoinExi heategevusorganisatsioon jagab Venezuela haigetele lastele soojust

augustil 19, a group of loving volunteers visited Hospital Universitario Antonio Patricio de Alcalá (HUAPA) in Cumaná, Venezuela. Wearing costumes and acting as cartoon characters such as Spider-Man and Elsa popular with children, they shuttled between pediatric wards while carrying

FTC Warns of Romance Scams Luring People Into Bogus Cryptocurrency Investments

USA. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has warned about romance scams using cryptocurrency. Scammers use romance as a hook to lure people into bogus investments, especially crypto, the federal agency explained. “2021 numbers are nearly five times those reported in 2020,

USA senaator Ted Cruz ostis Bitcoini languse, Avalikustab BTC ostu väärtusega kuni $ 50 000

USA. Senaator Ted Cruz kuulutas oma bitcoini ostu väärtuseks kuni $50,000. “I’Olen ka eriti uhke oma koduriigi üle, Texas, on muutumas plokiahela kogukonna oaasiks, bitcoini kaevurite jaoks, krüptomaailma uuendajatele ja ettevõtjatele,”…

Riikliku naftakompanii pensionärid saavad 2 Petros kingitusena Venezuelas

The pensioners of the state-owned oil company of Venezuela, PDVSA, have started receiving a Christmas bonus in petros (PTR), the first national cryptocurrency launched back in 2018. The petro, which is backed by Venezuelan oil and other resources, can be traded