FTX Boss Ryan Salame’s Maryland Home Searched by FBI in Unexplained Raid

According to unnamed sources, the home of Ryan Salame, the former co-chief executive of FTX Digital Markets, was searched by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) neljapäeval. The grounds for the raid remain unknown, and neither Salame nor his

Former FTX CEO Seeks $10M Insurance Fund for Legal Defense, Request Opposed by FTX Debtors and Unsecured Creditors

Court filings reveal that the FTX co-founder is seeking access to a $10 million insurance plan to cover his attorney fees. FTX debtors and unsecured creditors have opposed Sam Bankman-Fried’s request, arguing that every dollar spent on his defense isone

FTX Bankman-Fried kasutab väidetavalt Alameda vahendeid õiguskaitse eest tasumiseks

Kahe FTX-ile lähedase allika järgi, Sam Bankman-Fried, häbiväärne kaasasutaja, andis isale, Stanfordi õiguse professor Joseph Bankman, miljoneid dollareid. Väidetavalt kasutatakse raha õigusabikulude katmiseks. Allikad ütlesid, et Bankman-Fried andis väidetavalt…

Republican Congressman Tom Emmer Queries FDIC on Alleged Efforts to Purge Crypto Activity from US

Kolmapäeval, Tom Emmer, USA. Republican congressman from Minnesota, revealed he sent a letter to Martin Gruenberg, the chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), regarding reports that the FDIC is “weaponizing recent instability” in the U.S. banking industry

USA prokurörid soovivad veelgi piirata FTX endise tegevjuhi Sam Bankman-Friedi Interneti-juurdepääsu

USA. New Yorgi lõunapiirkonna advokaat (SDNY), Damian Williams, ja justiitsministeerium (DOJ) taotlevad “kavandatud muudatused” endise FTX tegevjuhi kautsjonitingimustele, Sam Bankman-Fried. SDNY prokurör palub kohtul seda teha…

Stanford Alumni Revealed as Co-Signers of FTX Co-Founder’s $250M Bond

According to the latest court documents in the fraud case involving former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried in Manhattan, the New York judge presiding over the case unsealed the co-signers of Bankman-Fried’s bond on Wednesday. The names of the two bail bond

House Republicans Demand Answers From SEC Over FTX Co-Founder’s Arrest

Veebr. 10, 2023, Republicans Patrick McHenry of North Carolina and Bill Huizenga of Michigan, both members of the U.S. Esindajatekoda, sent a letter to Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) chairman Gary Gensler seeking answers about the arrest of

Alameda uurimistööd $446 Miljonid väidetavad eelisedastused Voyager Digitalile

Esmaspäeval, Alameda Research Ltd. esitas Voyager Digital LLC ja HTC Trading Inc. vastu juriidilise kaebuse. USA-s. pankrotikohus. Kaebuses väidetakse, et kostjad said Alameda Researchilt eelisõigusega vara võõrandamist ja hagejad taotlevad…

Võla deflatsiooni hoiatused, Shibarium Buzz näeb SHIB-i tõusu, Endine FTX USA president räägib SBF-ist, ja rohkem – nädala ülevaade

“Homse hind” autor Jeff Booth on hoiatanud a “suur depressioon steroidide kasutamisel” kui USA. Föderaalreserv tõstab jätkuvalt intressimäärasid, samal ajal sumisedes eeldatava teise kihi ümber (L2) taustaks on skaleerimislahendus, mida tuntakse kui Shibarium…