Google Trends Data Reveals Searches for ‘Banking Crisis,’ ‘Bank Runs,’ Skyrocket

Interest in the U.S. banking crisis has risen greatly over the past two weeks, as shown by Google Trends data. There has been a sharp increase in queries related to search terms such asbanking crisis,” “bank collapse,” y “bank failure.”…

Study Shows Singapore Leads in NFT Searches Worldwide, Researchers Say ‘Poland Is the Most Anti-NFT Country’

During the past seven days, non-fungible token (NFT) sales have dropped 23.37% and 30-day statistics show NFT sales are down 63.10% from the month prior. While NFT interest has been waning, a recent study indicates that global regions like Singapore and

Estudio muestra que Estados Unidos es el hogar de 41% de las empresas NFT en todo el mundo

According to a study calledA World of NFT Adoptionpublished by, the United States has the most non-fungible token (NFT) company headquarters in the world. Mientras que EE.UU.. captures more than 41% of the NFT companies worldwide, the second