Crypto Exchange Coinbase lanza la red de escalamiento Ethereum L2 llamada Base

The cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has announced the deployment of Base, an Ethereum layer two (L2) red de escalamiento, after developers launched the Base testnet on Thursday. The company said it is incubating Base within Coinbase and that the L2 chain will progressively

Los desarrolladores de Zksync planean lanzar la capa 3 Solución de escalamiento llamada "Oportunidad" en el primer trimestre 2023

Laboratorios de Materia, el equipo detrás de la capa dos de Ethereum (L2) protocolo de escalado Zksync, reveló que los desarrolladores planean lanzar una capa tres (L3) prueba de concepto llamada “Oportunidad” en el primer trimestre de 2023. El equipo dice que el prototipo de…

La solución de escalado L2 Arbitrum implementa la migración de la pila acumulada de Nitro

The layer two (L2) scaling solution Arbitrum revealed on Wednesday that the team has implemented the projects Nitro rollup stack migration. A principios de este mes, Arbitrum developers noted that the Nitro migration would reduce network fees and improve throughput. Arbitrum Developers Implement

Gamestop Launches Web3 Ethereum Wallet That Leverages Loopring’s ZK-Rollup Tech

Esta semana, the consumer electronics and gaming software retailer, Gamestop, has officially revealed the companys self-custodial, Web3 ethereum wallet. The wallet is currently in beta form and now available via the firms web portal, in order to provide users with a

Mayores motores: ETC arriba 80% en la ultima semana, como ganancias de bucle 42% el miércoles

Loopring was trading by over 42% el miércoles, overtaking QNT as the worlds 65th largest crypto in the process. This came as ethereum classic was trading 10.30% higher on the day, taking its one week gain to over 80%. bucle (LRC)…

Análisis técnico: Solana surge 15%, a medida que disminuye el precio de Loopring

Solana was trading close to 15% higher on Tuesday, as crypto markets were mostly in the green to start February. This comes as markets look set to move past Januarys red wave. Biggest gainers Cryptocurrency markets were mostly bullish during Tuesday’s…