Informe del FMI sobre la adopción de Bitcoin en El Salvador: Riesgos Evitados, pero se necesita transparencia

Según una reciente declaración de misión publicada por el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI), El Salvador ha adoptado bitcoin como moneda de curso legal y ha evitado riesgos hasta ahora. The IMF states that the risks have not materialized due to the limited use

Australian Government Says It Is Working to Ensure ‘Regulation of Crypto Assets Protects Consumers’

The Australian government has said it will take steps to ensure theregulation of crypto assets protects consumersand one of these steps will be the reforming ofthe licensing and custody of crypto assets.The Anthony Norman Albanese-led government also

New South African Code Says Crypto Asset Ads Must Include Capital Loss Warning

Crypto asset service providers in South Africa seeking to attract investors via advertisements mustexpressly and clearly state that investing in crypto assets may result in the loss of capital.Influencers working on behalf of crypto asset service providers mustnot