Los datos muestran que no quedan ganancias para los mineros de Bitcoin que no pueden obtener electricidad barata, Ejecute plataformas mineras eficientes

Durante las últimas semanas, el costo de producción de bitcoin ha sido más alto que el valor de mercado spot del principal criptoactivo y, a su vez,, Esto ha ejercido una presión masiva sobre los mineros de Bitcoin.. en noviembre. 30, 2022, statistics show if miners paying for electricity pay roughly $0.12 per kilowatt hour (kWh), only three application-specific integrated circuit (asico) mining rigs are profitable. At a rate of $0.07 por kWh, profits begin to increase and data shows 16 different ASIC bitcoin mining devices are profitable with electrical costs at that rate.


At $0.12 per Kilowatt Hour, Solamente 3 ASIC Miners Gather Profit Using Today’s Bitcoin Exchange Rate

Bitcoin miners are feeling the pain of an extremely high difficulty rating and much lower bitcoin prices than a year ago today. Data from macromicro.me indicates that the cost of bitcoin production ($19,356 por unidad) is a lot higher than the spot market value ($16,877 por unidad). This means bitcoin miners need to obtain the cheapest electricity they can find on planet earth, and operate with the most efficient bitcoin mining devices on the market today.

Metrics show the world average price for electricity in 2022 es $0.143 per kWh and in specific regions around the world, average businesses and households can spend less than $0.10 por kWh, and some areas as low as $0.01 por kWh. Countries that enjoy cheap electricity rates lower than a U.S. nickel per kWh include Qatar, Rusia, Irán, Arabia Saudita, Venezuela, Kirguistán, Cuba, Libia, Uzbekistán, and Kazakhstan.

Data Shows There’s No Profits Left for Bitcoin Miners That Can’t Obtain Cheap Electricity, Run Efficient Mining Rigs
Top ASIC bitcoin miners on Nov. 30, 2022, a $0.07 per kWh and bitcoin prices at $16,877 por unidad.

While cheap electricity is good for bitcoin miners, they also need the most effective ASIC mining units on the market. Statistics show that only three ASIC miners are profitable if the operation has to pay $0.12 por kWh. The machines that still profit under this electricity cost ($0.12 por kWh) include the Bitmain Antminer S19 XP Hyd. which boasts 255 terahash por segundo (TE/s), the Antminer S19 XP (140 TE/s), and the Antminer S19 Pro+ Hyd. (198 TE/s).

If the electrical cost is slashed down to $0.07 por kWh, 16 different SHA256-compatible ASIC machines will see a profit, de acuerdo a datos collected by asicminervalue.com. At $0.07 por kWh, a Bitmain Antminer S19j (90 TE/s) is estimated to produce $0.21 per day in profit. If electrical costs are cut down even lower at $0.05 por kWh, apenas 43 ASIC bitcoin mining rigs will see a profit.

At that rate ($0.05 por kWh), an Antminer S19 XP Hyd. will get an estimated $9.69 por día, while the Ebang Ebit E12+ with 50 TH/s will produce $0.15 per day in profits, according to asicminervalue.com. Es más, SHA256 ASIC machines are the fourth most profitable proof-of-work (PoW) devices behind algorithms like Kadena, Guion, and Eaglesong.

At $0.05 por kWh, PoW ASIC machines that are compatible with those three algorithms can make an estimated $20.35 a $42.64 per day in profits depending on the hashrate output of the specific rig. The most dominant two brands on the market today, in terms of high-powered, next-generation bitcoin miners, include Bitmain’s Antminer series and Microbt’s Whatsminer series.

Etiquetas en esta historia
Antminer S19 Pro+ Hidráulico., antmineros, máquinas ASIC, Asicminervalue.com, Bitcoin, Bitcoin (BTC), Mineros de Bitcoin, minería Bitcoin, Bitmain, Bitmain’s Antminer, Minería BTC, Plataformas mineras BTC, compatible, Cuba, datos, canto del águila, eléctrico, Electricidad, poder de hash, Tasa de hash, Irán, cadena, kilovatio-hora, kwh, Kirguistán, Libia, métrica, Microbt’s Whatsminer, minería bitcoin, Minería BTC, métricas mineras, PoW, Katar, Rusia, Arabia Saudita, Guion, SHA256, Estadísticas, Terahash, Venezuela

What do you think about the electrical costs bitcoin miners pay and the realized profits they see after obtaining cheap electricity and leveraging high-powered, next-generation ASIC mining rigs? Háganos saber lo que piensa sobre este tema en la sección de comentarios a continuación..

jamie redman

Jamie Redman es el líder de noticias en Bitcoin-Tidings.com News y un periodista de tecnología financiera que vive en Florida.. Redman ha sido un miembro activo de la comunidad de criptomonedas desde 2011. Él tiene una pasión por Bitcoin., código fuente abierto, y aplicaciones descentralizadas. Desde septiembre 2015, Redman ha escrito más de 6,000 artículos para Bitcoin-Tidings.com Noticias sobre los protocolos disruptivos que surgen hoy.

Créditos de imagen: Shutterstock, pixabay, Wiki Commons, editorial photo credit: asicminervalue.com

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