Coinbase y 17 Otras empresas de cifrado lanzan la 'tecnología de solución universal de reglas de viaje'

Coinbase y 17 Other Crypto Firms Launch 'Travel Rule Universal Solution Technology'

El miércoles, La empresa de criptomonedas Coinbase, que cotiza en bolsa, anunció el lanzamiento de un esfuerzo de colaboración llamado TRUST., Lo que significa “Tecnología de solución universal Travel Rule.” El plan se describe como un “solución impulsada por la industria” desarrollado para cumplir con el Grupo de Acción Financiera Internacional (FATF) Regla de viaje. There are currently 18 crypto firms that have joined TRUST so far, and the collaborative effort is welcoming other companies to join the initiative.


18 VASPs Launch TRUST in Order to Comply With FATFs Travel Rule

For quite some time now, FATFs Travel Rule has been a top concern within the crypto industry as virtual asset service providers (VASP) have been told they need to comply with the regulatory policy. As cryptocurrency has grown more popular, FATF has been releasing guidelines on the Travel Rule, as the intergovernmental organization believes the rule needs to be applied to VASPs.

Esencialmente, la ‘Regla de viajeis a descriptive label for the regulatory guideline that aims to curb illicit transactions and money laundering. The rule mandates that all companies that deal with finances have to pass on KYC/AML transmission data concerning their customersidentities to the next financial institution. The transfer amount tied to FATFs Travel Rule has a threshold thats equal to $3,000 or higher.

en un entrada en el blog published on Wednesday, Coinbase explains that it has crafted a new plan called TRUST with a slew of other well known VASPs. “Travel Rule Universal Solution Technologyor the TRUST collaborative effort includes VASPs such as Robinhood, Activos digitales de fidelidad, Estación comercial, Hash cero, bittrex, base de monedas, Geminis, Avanti, Círculo, Bitflyer, Custodia del zodíaco, Paxos, Anclaje, puente simbólico, bitgo, kraken, bloquefi, and Standard Custody & Confianza.

The core goal in designing TRUST was to achieve top-tier compliance with the Travel Rule, while fully honoring customersexpectations over how their information is handled,” Coinbase detailed. The plan called TRUST follows the 17 crypto firms that launched a similar collaborative effort called the Crypto Market Integrity Coalition (CMIC). That specific coalition, launched last week, said it has plans topromote public and regulatory confidence in the new asset class.

TRUST Partners With Global Compliance and Risk Management Provider Exiger, Travel Rule-Focused Plan Aims to Expand toMany Other Jurisdictions

The TRUST plan highlighted three fundamentals to the efforts compliance solution. The first is the TRUST membersnever centrally store sensitive customer informationand secondly TRUST will leverage a mechanism that utilizesproof of address ownership.” Es más, TRUST members must havecore security [y] privacy standards.The Coinbase blog post adds:

We require all TRUST members to meet core anti-money laundering, security, and privacy requirements before joining the solution. And we are partnering with Exiger, a global market leader in technology-enabled compliance and risk management solutions, to help us meet that bar, and to provide ongoing compliance support.

Now that the TRUST has been launched, the collaborative initiative will continue to add members and the blog post notes that the Travel Rules reach isexpanding internationally, and so must the TRUST solution.During the next 12 meses, the group plans to expand tomany other jurisdictions,” according to the Coinbase announcement.

What do you think about the recently formed TRUST and the organizations Travel Rule goals? Háganos saber lo que piensa sobre este tema en la sección de comentarios a continuación..