Snoop Dogg Associate Joins Gala Music Board, Death Row Records Steps Closer to Blockchain Commitment

After the rap star Snoop Dogg acquired Death Row Records in February, the hip-hop legend explained that he would transform Death Row into a non-fungible token (NFT) label backed by blockchain technology. El jueves, Snoops brand partnership manager Nick Adler joined

La estrella del rap Snoop Dogg cree que la criptoindustria se recuperará: Crash 'eliminó' las manzanas podridas

Esta semana, the rapper Snoop Dogg spoke about the crypto crash in an interview with CNBC on Tuesday and explained that he believes the cryptocurrency economy will bounce back. Snoop said that he feels like the crash “‘weededout all of

The Sandbox se asocia con una miríada de luminarias de Hong Kong, Planes para lanzar Metaverse 'Mega City'

The Animoca Brands subsidiary and blockchain-based virtual world, La caja de arena, has announced the firm has made multiple partnerships in Hong Kong, and has plans to create aMega Cityin the metaverse. Partners who acquired land in The Sandbox to build