Fireblocks, empresa de criptocustodia, lanza Web3 Services Suite

bloques de fuego, un proveedor de servicios de criptocustodia, está ampliando sus servicios con el lanzamiento de una suite institucional de servicios Web3. Esta suite permitirá a los clientes aprovechar la liquidez de diferentes intercambios., y menta NFT. El servicio, which has already onboarded several

ONG de Bitcoin Argentina llevará criptoeducación a las escuelas

Bitcoin Argentina, an NGO dedicated to the promotion and expansion of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in the country, is going to take Bitcoin education to high schools. El proyecto, llamó “Schools and Bitcoin,” will help educate high school students about the relevance

El fundador de FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, cree que Bitcoin no tiene futuro como red de pagos

Sam Bankman-frito, el fundador del intercambio de criptomonedas FTX, has given his take regarding the future of Bitcoins usage. Bankman-Fried stated he doesnt believe that Bitcoin will work as a payments network, due to its limited capability for scaling to fulfill

La encuesta de Finder se llevó a cabo semanas antes de que Terra predijera que LUNA tocaría $143 Este año

Hace poco, the product comparison platform findercom polled 36 fintech specialists about the cryptocurrency terra (LUNA) before terrausd (UST) lost its parity with the U.S. dólar. According to the poll, Finders experts predicted LUNA would be $143 before the end of

Alcances de Chainalysis $8.6 Valuación de mil millones en $170 Millones Serie F Ronda de Financiamiento

Cadenaanálisis, a cryptocurrency security and blockchain auditing firm, has announced it has completed a new funding round for its operations. The company raised $170 million in its Series F funding round, which was led by GICthe Government of Singapore

Hong Kong Police Arrest Conman After He Vanished With Over $191K Belonging to a Crypto Trader

Hong Kong police have arrested a man accused of stealing $191,085 from a cryptocurrency trader in what turned out to be a bogus transaction. No funds were recovered at the time of the suspects arrest and investigations are ongoing to determine

Uncovering Terra’s Implosion — Terraform Labs’ Big Name Backers and ‘Zero Exposure’ Claims

Digital currency markets have continued to slide downward in value as the crypto economy has dropped by 14% during the past 24 horas. Amid the market rout, the native Terra blockchain token LUNA has dropped to fresh new lows, slipping to

Credibility Concerns — Gallop Poll Shows Fed Chair’s Confidence Ratings Slid by Double Digits

According to a Gallop poll published on May 2, the publics confidence in Americas current economic leaders has been deteriorating. Confidence in U.S. president Joe Biden managing the U.S. economy has dropped from 57% a 40%, and faith in Federal Reserve

Compras de reserva de Tron DAO $38 Millones en TRX para Salvaguardar la Stablecoin USDD

En mayo 5, tron’La moneda estable algorítmica USDD se puso en marcha y hasta ahora, el token fiduciario se ha incluido en una serie de finanzas descentralizadas (definitivamente) protocolos. Dos días después, la Reserva Tron DAO anunció que compró 504.6 millones de tron (TRX) a…

Cierra Square Enix $300 Venta millonaria de Western Studios para financiar Blockchain Pivot

Square Enix, the influential Japanese gaming and publishing company, has sold its Western studios and some of its Western intellectual properties (IP) to Embracer Group. The deal, which values these properties at $300 millón, will allow the company to focus on