Las inversiones globales en criptomonedas y cadenas de bloques se dispararon en 2021, Subiendo 5.5X a $30 mil millones

Un nuevo informe de una de las cuatro grandes firmas contables, KPMG, revela que la inversión en el espacio cripto y blockchain creció 5.5 veces el año anterior a más de un récord $30 mil millones en 2021. KPMG llamó 2021 a “Éxito de taquilla…

Research Firm Predicts Bitcoin Will Hit $200K in Second Half of 2022, ETH to Reach $12K

This week in a note to investors, Fsinsight, a Fundstrat company, said bitcoin could reach $200,000 during the second half of the year. In the investors note, Fsinsights head of digital asset strategy, Sean Farrell, said the parabolic growth would be

Estos son los de la economía criptográfica 10 Activos más caros por unidad en 2022

A lot has changed in regard to the prices of various crypto assets throughout 2021, as todays top crypto assets look a lot different than they did 12 months ago. Es más, the most valuable cryptocurrencies in terms of U.S. dollars per

Aumenta el dominio de Bitcoin, Diapositivas de participación de mercado de ETH, Aumentan las Stablecoin y Smart Contract Coins

El miércoles, the crypto economy of 12,620 coins across 543 exchanges is hovering just above the $2 trillion mark. Ever since the crypto economys market slump, bitcoin’s market dominance among all the coins in existence has slowly risen from 37% zona…

Cardano Price Surges After Metaverse Project Launch, ADA Gains More Than 30% en 7 Días

The smart contract token cardano has surged in value during the last 24 hours after a metaverse project called Pavia launched. Seven-day statistics indicate that cardanos price has spiked 30.9% over the week and took over the fifth-largest crypto market cap

Abajo de los picos: Una mirada a lo lejos que se han deslizado los criptoactivos desde sus máximos históricos

Digital currencies had a phenomenal year, and a great deal of the crypto assets in existence reached all-time high (ATH) prices against the worlds fiat currencies. Sin embargo, the same digital currencies that tapped ATHs last year are currently down a great

El veterano comerciante Peter Brandt comparte la "regla sagrada de comercio" mientras Bitcoin cae, advierte contra la compra de la inmersión

Veteran trader Peter Brandt has shareda sacred trading rulehe uses in response to a comment about buying bitcoin as the price of the cryptocurrency continues to fall. “Never add to a losing trade,” he affirmed. Peter Brandt Offers Trading

El alcalde de Nueva York no se deja intimidar por la caída del precio de Bitcoin, Dice que comprar el Dip podría generar 'buenos beneficios'

The mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, is not deterred by bitcoins volatility, noting that buying the dip could yielda good profit.He reiterated that he will receive his first three paychecks in bitcoin and will make New York

2021Reproducción aleatoria de activos digitales: Una miríada de posiciones de capitalización de mercado criptográfico se movieron caóticamente este año

2021 has been a bullish year for crypto assets. While prices have risen a great deal, the top ten and top twenty rankings in terms of market capitalization have also changed significantly. A great number of coins have either been pushed

El multimillonario Ray Dalio ve una limitación en el precio de Bitcoin, Dudas que BTC pueda alcanzar $1 Millón

Billionaire Ray Dalio, the founder of the worlds largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, lo dice’s not possible for the price of bitcoin to reach a very high number, such as $1 millón. Él explicó: “Logically … allá’s a limitation on its