Los registros de dominios de ENS se dispararon el mes pasado, Total de nombres creados cercanos 2 Millón

The number of Ethereum Name Service (ENS) domains is nearing the two million mark as 1,888,209 ENS names have been etched into the Ethereum blockchain to date. The project recently detailed that July saw the largest monthly rise in revenue scoring

El FBI emite una alerta sobre piratas informáticos norcoreanos maliciosos patrocinados por el estado que apuntan a empresas criptográficas

En abril 18, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), los Estados Unidos. Departamento de Tesorería, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) published a Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) report concerning malicious North Korean state-sponsored cryptocurrency activity. According to the U.S. government, law enforcement