El poder de elusión de sanciones de Crypto: Por qué la neutralidad de Bitcoin es su mayor activo humanitario

Redes descentralizadas como Bitcoin’s don’No conozco la lealtad nacional, solo saben matematicas. Y cuando tu’Estás intentando sacar tus ahorros de un cajero automático., o enviar un pago a familiares en un entorno devastado por la guerra, alguien más’La política es la última.…

ECB Chief Lagarde Says Digital Euro Will Not Replace Cash — But Could Offer Convenient, Cost-Free Means of Payment

The president of the European Central Bank (BCE), Cristina Lagarde, says that a digital euro will not replace cash but would complement it. “A digital euro would give you an additional choice about how to pay and make it easier to

European Commission to Launch Digital Euro Consultations in March, Propose Bill Early Next Year

The executive arm of the EU is gearing up to start public consultations on the digital euro project next month. The European Commission will also prepare new legislation to establish the legal basis for the digital version of the common European

El Eurosistema aprueba un nuevo marco de supervisión de los criptoservicios

The monetary authority of the euro area, the Eurosystem, has introduced a new framework for overseeing electronic payments, including services related to crypto assets. The new set of rules will complement upcoming EU regulations for cryptocurrencies and stablecoins. ECB Aims for

Italian Payments Giant Nexi Involved in Digital Euro Project

Nexi, a leading European payments company, is reportedly giving advice to the European Central Bank (BCE) related to the digital euro project. The announcement was made by Nexis CEO Paolo Bertoluzzo, who also gave his opinion about the future of central

BIS pide a los bancos centrales que desarrollen con urgencia CBDC para competir con los criptoactivos

The head of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) Innovation Hub, Benoît Cœuré, has urged central banks to act now on central bank digital currencies (CBDC) to compete with initiatives in the private sector, incluyendo criptomonedas. “CBDCs will take years to