Iran Shuts Down Over 8,000 Illegal Crypto Mining Farms in 3 Años

Authorities in Iran have closed down more than 8,000 underground facilities for cryptocurrency mining in the past three years, local media reported. Despite the government’s crackdown, illegal crypto mining continues to account for a serious amount of energy consumption, official figures

Cleanspark Purchases 45,000 Bitcoin Mining Devices, Adding 6.3 EH/s to Current Fleet

El martes, the bitcoin mining company Cleanspark announced that it had purchased 45,000 Antminer S19 XP bitcoin mining devices for a total price of $144.9 millón. Cleanspark stated that the new fleet would add 6.3 exhash por segundo (EH/s) of computational

ESG Analyst Daniel Batten Reveals Dynamic Charts Showing Bitcoin’s 52.6% Sustainable Energy Use

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) analyst Daniel Batten said Tuesday that the computational backbone of the Bitcoin network now uses 52.6% sustainable energy. Batten and onchain analyst Willy Woo created Dynamic Bitcoin ESG Charts to showcase the protocol’s progress. Contrary to

La dificultad de la minería de Bitcoin alcanza su máximo histórico mientras los mineros enfrentan el segundo mayor aumento este año

Bitcoin’s mining difficulty reached an all-time high (ATH) on Feb. 24, 2023, a la altura del bloque #778,176, alcanzando 43.05 trillion hashes and surpassing the 40 trillion mark for the first time ever. The networks difficulty increased by 9.95%, which is the second-largest

Ex empleado de la escuela secundaria Cohasset acusado de robar miles de dólares en electricidad para extraer Bitcoin en el espacio de acceso del campus escolar

A former school assistant facilities director in Cohasset, Massachusetts, has been accused of operating a cryptocurrency mining operation inside a crawlspace at Cohasset High School. The Cohasset Police Department alleges that Nadeam Nahas stole nearly $18,000 in electricity to power the

Paraguay to Become Top Bitcoin Mining Hub in Latam According to Insight Group

Paraguay, one of the smallest countries in Latam, has the conditions needed to become the next Bitcoin mining hub in the region, according to mining insight group Hashrate Index. The company notes there are many elements in favor of Paraguay, incluido…

Se intensifica el debate sobre la importancia y las implicaciones de las inscripciones ordinales en la cadena de bloques de Bitcoin

Durante las últimas dos semanas, miembros de la comunidad de criptomonedas han discutido el token no fungible (NFT) concepto conocido como Ordinales. desde el 3.96 bloque de MB (#774,628) fue minado, Ha habido un aumento significativo en las inscripciones ordinales en la cadena de bloques de Bitcoin.….

GAIMIN ofrece un enfoque descentralizado ante la creciente necesidad de mayor potencia de procesamiento de datos

La demanda mundial de procesamiento de datos aumenta año tras año, con aplicaciones de procesamiento de datos que requieren un rendimiento cada vez mayor de los dispositivos y servicios de procesamiento de datos. Industrias, como la Inteligencia Artificial (AI), renderizado de vídeo, potenciando los cálculos de blockchain, simulaciones e investigaciones científicas, financial modeling and

Iran Returns Seized Crypto Mining Equipment to Miners

A government body responsible for state property in Iran has released some of the hardware seized from illegal crypto mining farms. Its top executive explained the agency was obliged to do that by courts in the Islamic Republic, where unlicensed miners

Amid High Energy Demand From Miners, Russia Mulls Building New Power Plants in Siberia

Growing electricity consumption in the crypto mining sector may require the construction of new power generation facilities in Siberia, the energy minister of Russia has acknowledged. Demand continues to increase in residential areas as well, after regional authorities abandoned a proposal