Latam-Einblicke: Bolivien erwägt chinesischen Yuan für Handelsabkommen, Steve Hanke schlägt eine 30-Tage-Lösung für die venezolanische Inflation vor

Willkommen bei Latam Insights, ein Kompendium der wichtigsten Krypto- und Wirtschaftsentwicklungsnachrichten aus Lateinamerika der letzten Woche. In dieser Angelegenheit, Bolivien erwägt die Verwendung des chinesischen Yuan bei internationalen Handelsvereinbarungen, Inflation erreicht 108.8% in Argentinien, und…

Latam-Einblicke: Bolivia Sells Gold for Dollars, Argentina Bans Fintech Crypto, Fitch Upgrades El Salvador’s Credit Rating

Willkommen bei Latam Insights, ein Kompendium der wichtigsten Krypto- und Wirtschaftsentwicklungsnachrichten aus Lateinamerika der letzten Woche. In dieser Angelegenheit, Bolivia passes a law to sell gold for dollars, the Central Bank of Argentina bans fintech

Putin, Xi Vow to Use Yuan as Russia and China Move to Settlements in National Currencies

As part of the talks that Russian president Vladimir Putin and Chinese president Xi Jinping are currently conducting in Russia, Russia has vowed to move to use the Chinese yuan as a settlement currency with countries in Asia, Afrika, and Latam….

Brazilians Will Be Able to Pay Taxes With Crypto

Brazilians will now be able to pay part of their state taxes using cryptocurrencies. Banco do Brazil, a mixed ownership bank, is launching the option of paying a set of taxes with crypto, using Bitfy, a Brazilian cryptocurrency startup, as a

Samsung investiert mehr als $35 Millionen in lateinamerikanischen Metaverse-Initiativen

Samsung, the Korean electronics behemoth, has revealed it is currently investing more than $35 million dollars in metaverse initiatives for the Latam audience. The objective behind this move is to help the brand attract and connect with younger audiences, as part

Brazilian Presidential Candidate ‘Lula’ Da Silva Signals Support for Central Bank of Brazil Involvement in Crypto Regulation

The presidential candidate that obtained most of the votes in the first Brazilian ballot round, Luis Inacio Da Silva, better known asLula,” declared that the Central Bank of Brazil should be responsible for building a cryptocurrency law framework. Lula also

Huobi Partners With Astropay to Facilitate Fiat Payments in Latam

Huobi Global, one of the biggest exchanges in volumes traded, has announced a partnership to make it easier for its Latam-based customers to acquire cryptocurrencies. The exchange has allied with Astropay, a payment services platform, to allow customers in Latam to

Die Inflation der Moody’s-Staaten beeinträchtigt die wirtschaftliche Erholung in einem Teil von Latam

Launisch’S, die Ratingagentur für Vermögensqualität, hat davor gewarnt, dass die hohe Inflationsrate, mit der einige Länder in Latam konfrontiert sind, die wirtschaftliche Erholung in der Region beeinträchtigen wird. Kategorie, Chile, and Mexico are said to be the countries more affected by

Prüfbericht: Bank of Spain besorgt über Inflation und ihre Folgen in Latam

Die Bank von Spanien hat einen neuen Bericht über die Leistung der lateinamerikanischen Volkswirtschaften in den ersten sechs Monaten des Jahres herausgegeben. The document states that the current inflationary development that several countries of the region have can lead to

Spanish Cryptocurrency Exchange Bit2me Expands Operations to Brazil

The Spanish cryptocurrency exchange Bit2me is taking interest in getting into the Latam market. The company has launched its operations in Brazil by introducing an office in the country that will deal with compliance issues to make the exchange a safe