Kevin O’Leary: „Meine Krypto-Exposure ist zum ersten Mal größer als Gold“

Shark Tank-Star Kevin O’Leary, aber mr. Wunderbar, has revealed that he has more crypto exposure than gold for the first time. He hopes to increase his crypto allocation to 7% in the next few months, betonen: “I dont see a

Kanadas „Mad Max“ unterstützt Bitcoin – sagt „Ich hasse es, wie Zentralbanken unser Geld und unsere Wirtschaft zerstören“

Maxime Bernier, a former cabinet minister nicknamedMad Maxand the leader of the Peoples Party of Canada (PPC), says he supports bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. “I hate how central banks are destroying our money and economycryptos are another new

Bitcoin könnte „deutlich steigen“,“, sagt der CIO des weltgrößten Vermögensverwalters Blackrock

The chief investment officer of the worlds largest asset manager, Schwarzfels, says he could see bitcoin going up significantly. “I like assets that are volatile that have upside convexity,” er sagte. Blackrock CIO Sees Significant Upside to Bitcoin Rick Rieder, Schwarzfels’S…