Spiele und NFTs sind die treibende Kraft hinter Dapps im dritten Quartal, Laut Dappradar

Blockchain-based games and NFT trading were the driving force behind dapp adoption during Q3, according to defi insight platform Dappradar. In its Dapp Industry Report: Q3 2021 Overview, Dappradar states that the importance of these new activities in the crypto industry

Axie Infinity Mitbegründer sagt Blockchain-Spielpläne zur Einführung einer dezentralen Börse

Himmel Mavis, the team that created the Ethereum-powered non-fungible token (NFT) game Axie Infinity, revealed the project plans to launch a decentralized exchange (dex), according to the companys co-founder Jeff Zirlin during a podcast with Frank Chaparro. Darüber hinaus, Axie Infinity recently