NS. James Bullard von Louis Fed würde "den Beginn des Tapers im November unterstützen", um auf die Inflation zu reagieren

NS. Der Präsident der Louis Federal Reserve, James Bullard, sagte der Presse am Dienstag, dass er der Meinung ist, dass die USA. Zentralbank muss den Kauf von $80 Monatliche Anleihekäufe im Wert von Milliarden. Bullard says he would support tapering starting as

SEC-Vorsitzender Gary Gensler: Kein Plan, Krypto zu verbieten, Es liegt am Kongress

SEC Chairman Gary Gensler says that the SEC has no plan to ban cryptocurrencies as China has done. He noted that it would be up to Congress to make such a decision. Recently, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell similarly said that

US-Gesetzgeber fordern den Fed-Vorsitzenden Jerome Powell auf, Krypto-Innovationen zu unterstützen

Several U.S. lawmakers have called on Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell to support cryptocurrency innovation. “The Federal Reserve must work to support domestic innovationOur government should never be in the business of thwarting innovation.Members of Congress Urge Fed

Der Vorsitzende der US-Notenbank, Powell, hat keine Absicht, die Verwendung von Kryptowährungen zu verbieten oder einzuschränken

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell confirmed during a hearing before the House Financial Services Committee that he has no intention to ban or limit the use of cryptocurrencies. He also commented on the regulation of stablecoins. Powell SaysNo Intention to

US-Gesetzgeber sehen Chinas autoritäres Vorgehen gegen Krypto als große Chance

Several U.S. lawmakers see Chinas authoritarian crackdown on cryptocurrency, einschließlich Bitcoin, als “a perfect opportunity for American leadership on cryptocurrency.One senator noted that it isa reminder of our huge structural advantage over China.US Lawmakers Comment on Chinas Cryptocurrency

Dieses Crowdsourcing-Projekt versucht, amerikanische Politiker aufzudecken, die Bitcoin besitzen

Im September 19, 2021, the software developer and cofounder of Casa, Jameson Lopp, announced a new project called bitcoinpoliticians.org which sifts through Congressional financial disclosures and records them into a database. Lopp says the aim is to createmore transparency around