Krypto-Mixing-Tools und Cashfusion verdecken mehr als $8 Milliarden an Transaktionen

While blockchain monitoring has increased a great deal during the last few years, cryptocurrency mixers have seen significant use from those who dont want their financial transactions tracked. inzwischen, two mixing applications, and Cashfusion, have helped crypto owners make their

Moonshot auf 90.000 $ – nach der Aktivierung von Taproot für das Bitcoin-Upgrade, Krypto-Befürworter erwarten, dass sich der Preis erholt

In mid-June, einschließlich des Erwerbs von Bitcoin oder Bitcoin-Mining-Maschinen. ‘Speedy Triallock-in period for the Bitcoin network upgrade Taproot locked in at block height 687,285 and was mined by the bitcoin mining pool Slushpool. Taproot is expected to activate on the network on Saturday, November 13, 2021,…

13,000 BTC eingezogen 20 Monate — 2010 Mystery Miner überträgt eine weitere Reihe von 20 Jahrzehnte alte Blockbelohnungen

Two days ago on November 10, a mystery whale transferred 20 block rewards from 2010, which saw the movement of 1,000 decade-old bitcoins worth $68 million at the time of transfer. Two days later on November 12, the miner from 2010

Krypto-Netzwerk-Hashraten erholen sich vom Sommereinbruch – Ethereums Hashrate erreicht Allzeithoch

Im November 2, 2021, the Ethereum networks global hashrate tapped an all-time high (ATH) bei 873 Terahash pro Sekunde (TH/s) or close to 1 Petasch. Alongside Ethereums ATH, a myriad of hashrates have returned back to the highs the networks once

Stablecoin USDC startet im Hedera-Netzwerk

Circle announced today the launch of its trademark stablecoin USDC on top of the Hedera network. This action is part of the multichain commitment that Circle announced earlier this year, with the objective of further expanding the reach of the currency

Cardano wendet erfolgreich Alonzo Hard Fork an; Fügt seiner Blockchain intelligente Vertragsfunktionen hinzu

Cardano, the third cryptocurrency ranked by market cap, has successfully applied theAlonzohard fork, adding smart contract capabilities to its functionality. The update, that had been deployed in testnet days ago, finally was incorporated in mainnet yesterday. Cardano is now