Fintech-Unternehmen Galoy erhöht $4 Million, Startup stellt Bitcoin-unterstütztes synthetisches Dollarprodukt vor

Am Mittwoch, Galoy, die Firma hinter El Salvador’s Bitcoin Beach Wallet, gab bekannt, dass das Unternehmen angehoben wurde $4 Millionen an Finanzierung in einer von Hivemind Ventures angeführten Investitionsrunde. Am selben Tag, Das Startup brachte ein neues Produkt namens Stablesats auf den Markt, ein…

FTX Founder Sam Bankman-Fried Thinks Bitcoin Has No Future as a Payments Network

Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX, has given his take regarding the future of Bitcoins usage. Bankman-Fried stated he doesnt believe that Bitcoin will work as a payments network, due to its limited capability for scaling to fulfill

Bitpay fügt Lightning Network hinzu, Die Jugendmodemarke Pacsun akzeptiert Zahlungen über Lightning

Im April 6, one of the largest cryptocurrency payment platforms in the world, Bitpay, announced the Atlanta-based company has integrated bitcoin payments via the Lightning Network. According to the announcement on Wednesday, the youth-focused American retail clothing brand Pacific Sunwear (Pacsun)…

Kolumbien registriert den ersten Immobilienkauf mit Bitcoin

The first real estate purchase with Bitcoin has been registered in Colombia last week. Das Unternehmen, called La Haus, sold one property in Santa Marta to a buyer that was not in Colombia at the time of the purchase. While Colombia

Fidelity diskutiert die Zukunft des Krypto-Ökosystems – sagt, Bitcoin sei „eine überlegene Form von Geld“

Fidelity Digital Assets has released a report explaining why bitcoin is a superior form of money. The report discusses the future of the digital asset ecosystem and compares bitcoin to newer and smaller cryptocurrencies. Fidelity SaysBitcoin FirstFidelity Digital Assets,…

Strike kommt mit USDT-Unterstützung in Argentinien an, Noch keine Bitcoin-Integration

Schlagen, ein Bitcoin-basierter Brieftaschen- und Umtauschdienst, ist in Argentinien gelandet, Bereitstellung der USDT-Integration für Benutzer im Land. Jack Maller, CEO von Streik, explained that his objective for bringing the app to the country has to do with providing a

Houston Rockets kooperieren mit Bitcoin Company NYDIG bei Sponsoring-Deal

NBA basketball team the Houston Rockets has partnered with NYDIG, a leading bitcoin solutions provider, to be the teams official bitcoin services partner. The deal will provide the team with cryptocurrency-related opportunities and give NYDIG exclusive exposure in the teams social,…

Mit Spannung erwartetes Bitcoin-Upgrade Taproot aktiviert – Taproot-Skript-Ausgaben in freier Wildbahn

Bitcoin advocates are celebrating the successful implementation of the Taproot upgrade after block height 709,632. The upgrade was highly anticipated as it was one of the biggest changes since the introduction of Segregated Witness (Segwit) in 2017. After the upgrade was

Ziehen um $25 Milliarden in BTC über alternative Ketten – Es ist jetzt vorbei 400,000 Tokenisierte Bitcoins in Existenz

As the end of the year approaches, the price of bitcoin has hovered above the $60K region and with 18.8 million bitcoin in circulation, Bitcoin’s market valuation is over $1.16 trillion today. inzwischen, the number of tokenized bitcoins in existence today

Präsident von Mexiko bestreitet Interesse an der Einführung von Bitcoin als gesetzliches Zahlungsmittel

The President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, denied having any interest in adopting cryptocurrencies as legal tender in the country. The statements, offered in a press conference in the National Palace this week, also confirmed that the Mexican government will